Almost unlimited range
Unlimited mobility
Speed boost
Ability to drop combat and remove status effects
Big, red pet that can gank and stunlock you even if you immobilise the Hunter
Mail wearer so massive damage protection
Massive damage dealing capability
Wide assortment of traps and CC
Does this sound anything like a balanced class to you?
So my solution to make things more balanced and fairer for non-God classes is as follows:
Stop Hunters from being able to wear mail, this is fairer to Shamans too who have to compete in PvE content. Leather only.
Significantly nerf Hunter’s range, no shot should hit if fired from over 100 yards.
Remove Feign Death entirely. Good riddance to probably the most unfair mechanic in the game.
Make Cheetah Aspect more similar to Rogues’ Dash, in that it only works for a few seconds and then expires. Also give it a five minute CD.
Stop Frost trap from working in PvP, it can only be used against mobs. Freezing Trap is OK.
Scrap the pet stun ability altogether, or make it ineffective against players.