CDC in the US studied pandemic behavior with it, and found out what we already knew. People are … yeah… and like to spread things because they think it’s funny.
This is insanely annoying trying to use the AH.
Please fix and discipline the players abusing it.
And I’ll tell you why:
Thanks (irony detected)
post edited.
My game sounds are off, so I had no idea. I was wondering why people were making the effort to come and stand near me and spread it around.
Jokes on them, I can’t hear the sounds.
Yes, and guess what? Blizzard fixed that after backlash. Why shouldnt this be fixed either?
Yeah it damages me but I sit in Visage form so my regen negates it.
I bet most people here has seen that. But ones is enough. Also that was a mistake on Blizzards part. No reason to be stupid again.
Far too similar reminder of covid spreading.
Especially infected people getting close to others to spread it on purpose
I don’t mind it really, it does no damage and only lasts something like 12 seconds. Had 2 minutes fun with it this morning, never looked back.
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