Contagious Cowardice Epidemic

Contagious Cowardice is a debuff that spreads from player to player, and it found its way into Valdrakken. No one is dying since it doesn’t seem to be doing damage, the sound however is getting ridiculous…

  • Draenor

Hakkar laughs in the face of your non-lethal plague.

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SARS - CoCo22 doesn’t appear to be deadly at least!

this is annoying. really annoying.

Mostly due to the sound. I’m sure they’ll do something about it eventually though.

it doesn’t last very long, should have been something that vanishes on hearthstone or something, which is the only possible way it could have gotten to valdrakken before it expired.

I Saw this…

If it finds it’s way to Orgrimmar or Stormwind it shall be a Corrupted Blood Plague incident 2.0

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Yeah, Its really annoying to constnatly hear that ‘debuff’. How did it get there anway…

It doesnt even do damage. Its just annoying

I don’t even know where it’s from.

It does damage, but not very much.

While in Cities i got used to press CTRL+S to un/mute Sounds.
CTRL+M is to Mute Music, just for info.
Listen my own playlist or Musicstream most of the Time.

It might help you for now, if you feel very annoyed and didnt know about the Keybinds and always went to the Options Menu to change the Sound Settings.

to us max lvls? Yeah.
But now, if this gets on an NPC of a high level it will do max lvl of that debuff. And if someone low level goes near, he will take way more damage due to the level being lower. Same thing happent with the Corrupt Blood, At max lvls they could survive, but not Low levels

Butt it doesnt. It suppose to do 24k damage. o.O

Whats the sound like?

Can confirm this for German realm of Ysera. Last thing I saw yesterday night before login servers went down yet another time.

Not to mention, wise guys standing on AH and flightpoints to purposefully spread this
In my huble oppinion, this is griefing at this point and should be punished


Max level players Will take 24k, but lower levels take more DMG from High lvl players.
So if a max lvl player goes near a level 30 One, the level 30 Will take way more than 24k.

That minds me of a similar incident in the early days of WoW…


yep it is griefing

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My PC does die
I can no longer use Valdrakken at all. My FPS goes down to 3 - 5 i can barely move. If this spreads i go back to Classic because then i cant play Retail.
Why Bliz would do this again is mystery to me. But maybe they don’t want my money.
Either that or they learned nothing with the Corrupted Blood

i saw a Game Theorist video about the blood plague incident. It says that some scientific organisations got intrested in that incident.

but yeah, i agree, they should remove this ASAP

whats it all about i find it a bit fun going round infecting others with it when i get it