I’ve been on a good 4 month break from retail wow now. Before this point I have been actively playing for well over a decade. The Siren isle zone I was assuming was new content, is literally the generic “kill 10 boars” meme, except this zone exists to ask you to kill about 100 crabs, daily. This is not content, this is just a bad excuse for keeping the sub-payers distracted. I’ve been fine with all such “new” zones and systems, but this time it doesn’t even do anything. Blizzard seriously expects players to sit in a main city, venture off to kill 100 crabs, then return to the same city to be summoned to the same raid that opened on release, or be summoned to the same 4 dungeons players have been in for half a year, in the same gear. TLDR; Don’t play wow, log in the last patch of an expansion, buy a token or 2 and all the content and its rewards will be completed for you in a matter of an hour.
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