Remove rated PVP.
If you want competitive Esport pvp this isnt the game…why?
- Barrier to entry
- Addon requirements
- Button and ability bloat, piano key like keybinds
- You need knowledge of all classes and specs which isnt realistic for a new player
- CC and Micro CC
- Balance
- Racials
- Gearing
- Ui clutter
- It isn’t fun to watch
Its time they made PVP fun, just stick all the rewards on a battle pass type progress track and let people play for fun. Elite sets etc at the end of the track and let people play the pvp they enjoy.
If people need to feel like special snow flakes then add rating titles and tabards with the elite mount for achieving them but they should be rewarded for objective play etc like cap a flag in wsg get 10 percent progress to elite rewards etc
Current wow pvp isnt it and wont ever be. If you want esport competitive pvp play something else.
When competitive pvp is not interesting for you, don’t play it? You are clearly not the target audience. Stick to casual PvP or play a different game.
I like to play shuffle, blitz and RBG against equal opponents.
Even with addons I have no idea what is going on half the time.
Too much going on, too much screen clutter and so forth
It is interesting to me but this just isnt the game, its dwindling. Dramatic changes are needed.
Who exactly are the target audience? I think someone posted that only like 1% have the normal pvp mount this season. That isnt good. Somethings broken. Locking rewards behind elite brackets isnt the answer.
No one is saying remove RBG, Shuffle and Blitz. It just the rewards need to be earned differently.
I think if you want to keep rated pvp you need to separate it from the main game, make the rewards exclusive to that game mode, remove gearing and make it so you can pick any class and queue. As well as that abilities need to be pruned for that game mode only with class templates.
Some players like PvP because of its complexity. Templates to join as any class and spec you like to try? Sure, why not.
Rewards? By all means, i don’t care about exclusivity.
In the opening post you said you wanted to remove rated pvp but if its just templates for classes and other reward tracks you want, that post is a bit misleading.
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I don’t think wow should have competitive play because at its core it just doesn’t work. That’s why a battle pass track could be implemented and people could play it and be rewarded just for playing. It would bring the fun part back without the stress of ranking and metas. If a class is op then fine you still get rewarded for playing your class.
Those that love the competitive side could have a side game that only rewards items for that side stand alone game.
It would be easier to balance, the barrier to entry would lower and it wouldn’t be as complex. You wouldn’t need to level or gear or craft just plug in and play.
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I hate Arena (Solo Shuffle anyway, haven’t tried the “real” one), because of the format, the way how it is just “gang up on weakest DPS” and how toxic people are in chat.
But just cause the aspect of the game isn’t for me doesn’t mean it should be removed. There is plenty of content for us “casual” PvPers: normal/Epic BGs, Skirmishes, Brawl and WPvP (if you find any).
Its not doing any harm to me that others are enjoying Rated PvP, since I have other content to do and often people do both. If Rated PvP was removed, people who enjoy that might stop with PvP altogether, and we don’t need the pool of PvPers to shrink further.
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I’ve always said that closed (arenas) and open field PvP (battlegrounds/world) need to be fully seperated and balanced individually. Battleground PvP is mostly garbage because the focus is always on 3v3, which is a niche form of PvP at this point. Battleground gameplay has, imho, only gotten worse over the years, with endless power creep making every spec bloated and overpowered, completely nullifying counterplay, thoughtful play and skill in the process.
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Remove unranked pvp and let people hide their rating as well as W/L Ratio
Casual PVP hasn’t been allowed to exist in this game for a while now, flip it round and it’s the ones wanting competitive PVP that aren’t the target audience for randoms or casual PVP, yet that’s predominantly where they choose to play.
Competitive PvPers hardly ever play casual pvp.
When was the last time you saw a player like Avidance in a random bg?
In the first 2 weeks of the expansion when rated wasn’t out yet and then never again.
An exception might be epic bgs, there is no competitive equivalent for these maps.
Unless you wanna count war games which are hard to organize.
The typical 5-stackers in random bg that you probably mean aren’t really competitive players to begin with.
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Yeah, but is there a reward for playing those?
I don’t think so.
The WoW player base, in general, is built on the idea of 'give me cool rewards, but don’t put them behind something I don’t like because… reasons. 
No, but they bring there wannabe competitive playstyles to the casual settings because they’re not good enough for the real competitive settings, thus ruining what used to be a very enjoyable casual setting.
I’ve also no idea who Avidance is, I don’t follow other people or watch players streams so I have no idea who people are unless I have encountered them personally.