Converting Knowledge Into Artisan's Mettle

So I wanted to share my opinion about the post : ‘’ There is now an Apprentice Crafter and Gatherer near the Crafting Orders vendors of Valdrakken. Adventurer’s who have fully specialized into their professions can trade in excess profession knowledge for Artisan’s Mettle.‘’
My question or suggestion, you may call is, if a player can convert profession knowledge for Artisans Mettle, would not it be super nice to be able to do reverse also and convert Artisans Mettle into profession knowledge?

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Most of us are sitting on 6000+ mettle

Wait is this ingame or just a thought?

They are adding in-game that you can buy mettle with knowledge, while OP is asking if we can also have it the other way around

Ahh is this in the next little patch or further along? I guess it would stop the pop up for gathering proffs every time you log in… unless they stop it happening once it’s maxed. I think my only point would be, most of my BSing is maxed now bar 3-4 armour pieces and a few weapons need bumping up from 25 to 30. Assume most other people are similar, my point being you don’t really have to use an insight if you don’t want to

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