Convince me. Zandalari or Blood Elf Paladin

I really cannot choose between the two. The Blood Knight lore is some of the most interesting stuff in WoW for me, and I love the potential for a character there (plus new customisations in Shadowlands), while Zandalari prelates and Loa are also some of my favourite stuff.

While Zandalari are pretty cool… I can’t get over the boots thing. I’d say pick Blood Elf, their lore is a bit cooler too imo.

And they have waaay more customization already + all the stuff thats incoming.


Zandal have much cooler passives, but belves have boots


The BElf racial (which for some reason, nobody ever uses) is great in AD or Tol Dagor, and wherever else trash buff themselves. The troll racials are pretty decent too, between the loa stuff and the Regeneratin’.

Personally I have a Belf Pally, but I created that back in BC. I just have a hard time with Trolls being Paladins (just like Taurens for that matter).


I only play races I’d like to… kiss :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: lol blood elves it is then.

what ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


If you dont care about looks you go for zandalari.

Why not both? :slight_smile:

They’re both trolls in various steps of evolution
i don’t see any choice

If both lores interest you than the model may be the final answer.

Do you want a different animation from your DK BE that you posted the topic ?
If the answer is yes than it’s a Zandalari Paladin.

How much you like your BE model ?
Would you accept to play a taller avatar that goes bare foot all the time ?

In my case I rolled a BE paladin in TBC and I am not planning to replace her anytime soon.
I relate Paladins too much to the Alliance and on this matter Blood Elves fit perfectly.

If I would level up a Zandalari Troll it would either be for their cool looking animal forms as Druids or cool totems as Shamans.


Depends on what matters more. BE look better in plate armor. Zandalari on the otherhand get a nice passive and look pretty cool as a race.

If passives you are after i think zandalari is better.

Tauren is cooler than both though, why don’t you consider Tauren?

Belf ofc. We look great and have a nice racial to boot

Belf all the way.

I had this dilemma for a little while, and only because Zandalari can get 5% movement speed. For a wheelchair class like paladin its somewhat noticeable, specially when you stack speed. But that is the only thing and I went with belf anyway. Instead I made a Zandalari DK, another class that thirsts for speed.

Kings rest too

For me its the other way around, maybe cause i’m a priest idk heals was never an issue, but as a DK or any healer or mana user its really good, along side the crit passive, the crit proc on zandalari is random and you could only use one boon at a time.

Now back to op, since its paladin, I’d personally say blood elf.

You get to wear shoes.
You also get a AoE purge (racial) for eating enemy buffs to smitherines. and is overlooked into oblivion after its remake.

Loa looks good, but only real useable one IMO DONT SHOOT ME, is paku. (Frog if u tanky) so its not even a choise except for flavor.
nice out of combat 3min regen but meh.

post by blood elf…u have to ask this?

If you get the heavy boots from the dark shore set then a zanada pally can wear boots as well.

Also bubble/regen combo can be a life saver


The answer is obvious innit

I recently used my boost on a prist,picked BE,never looked back.