[Cooking] (IRL)


In cooking, can you use salt along with the dry broth lump when cooking some strong hearty soup like gulash (guláš) or Corba (čorba)?
Or will the salt be overkill?

What would Nomi say?

There are a million cooking recipe sites on the net, and Gordon Ramsay or someone probably has a video about it.

So just how silly is it to ask here? Did you do it om a bet, or to get yourself reported?

Honestly? I don’t think that Gordon Ramsey can cook a good ol gulash or corba :stuck_out_tongue:

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Depends on the amount of salt you use. A cupful is too much but a spoonful won’t harm it or you much.

But your best bet is to follow a recipe.

And Nomi would get distracted and burn everything :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Gordon is all about shouting not cooking :sunglasses:

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