<Cooksters Crew> 4/8M LF committed skilled players

We are a dedicated raiding guild focused on pushing our limits in Mythic progression with the ultimate goal of achieving Cutting Edge. We’re all about balancing serious progression with a fun and enjoyable atmosphere!

Recruitment Status:
We’re actively seeking committed and experienced players who can attend 3/3 weekly raid nights to help strengthen our core raiding team for the current and future tiers, specs we are looking for are listed below.

druid (balance)
monk (healer)
shaman (elemental)
evoker (healer)

Raiding Information:
We raid 3 days a week
Monday: 21-24 (CEST)
Wednesday: 21-24 (CEST)
Thursday: 21-24 (CEST)

We expect 3/3 raiding attendance

Contact us:
If you are interested in joining our team or have any further questions, contact one of our officers in-game or on Battletag/Discord.

In-game: Felcok-Kazzak
Battletag: iain#2759
Discord: cookster.

In-game: Davidpeckins-Outland
Battletag: Icono#2252
Discord: azimodo

In-game: Towneal-Twisting Nether
Battletag: funkymonk#21405
Discord: townealbart