Cookster's Crew LF Evoker DPS for semi-hardcore Raiding guild

Welcome to a newly formed raiding guild where we strive to push our limits together in heroic & mythic progression, all while maintaining an enjoyable atmosphere.

Currently looking for an Evoker DPS!!

Recruitment Status:
Currently looking for active players who can attend and commit to 3/3 raiding nights a week for our core raiding team.

Raiding Information:
We raid 3 days a week
Monday: 21-24 (CEST) // 20-23 (UK)
Wednesday: 21-24 (CEST) // 20-23 (UK)
Thursday: 21-24 (CEST) // 20-23 (UK)
We expect 3/3 raiding attendance

What we expect from our raiders:

  • Attendance above all. Raiders must be able to show up to our 3 core raid nights each week. Absences are always acceptable as long as we are informed in advance.
  • A certain level of knowledge. We expect raiders to have an above average understanding of their class, as well as to know boss encounters PRIOR to the raid.
  • Good performance. No progression raider wants to feel held down; we expect those under-performing to actively seek to improve themselves before the next raid.
  • Come prepared to raids with consumables, enchants and researched boss fights in advance.
  • A good computer with a stable internet connection.
  • A casual side. We take our progression seriously just like any other raiding guild, however we also want to maintain our relaxed and enjoyable raiding environment whilst we progress.

What can you expect from us?

  • An active community of friendly players that you can become part of.
  • 3 raiding nights per week.
  • Progression through heroic and mythic content.

Contact us:
If you are interested in joining our team or have any further questions, contact one of our officers in-game or on Battletag/Discord.

In-game: Felcok-Kazzak or Nilashamy-Blackhand
Battletag: iain#2759 or Yeriwen#2340
Discord: cookster. or nilaya_jp