Cool character customization ideas

Hi guys,

i have played wow for a long time and i’m an avid roleplayer.

I think it would be a really cool character customization idea if we were able to have a doo-rag like were from the hood LOL!

i think it would make us look badass and gangster as hell!

Let me know if you agree and we can add this to the game hopefully!


What a GREAT idea! I think now more than ever we need some really cool and sick cosmetics to EXPRESS ourselves.

I love hip hop and rap music (I listen to it instead of doing homework lol), and would be super impressed by Blizzard if they put this in so I could pay homage to my IDOLS. I really, really like this. What a badass and cool idea.

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Thanks for the support mate!

I think it’s a totally awesome idea and i’d love to be doing the hardest raid content while dressed like my idols (2pac, biggie smalls, xxx)

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What the hell is this

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