Cooldowns should reset after a wipe, not a kill

as the topic title says.


They should reset the Bloodlust on pet too…


They do, don’t they…? Or is it just sated for hero/bloodlust that gets removed on a wipe? I haven’t paid much attention due to only really caring about a 3 minute CD (shadowfiend)

You have to be in combat with a boss for 30 seconds before an encounter ends to be eligible for the sated debuff removal

Is it really more fun to make it more convenient to fail?

This is a completely illogical response as there is no way to progress after you wipe.

There is nothing more conveniant at all to wype on a boss just to reset your CD.
You will just wasting more time.

And it’s better to fix that instead pulling the boss without getting your Call of the Wild because 5min CD. Happened on my last ID…

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