Copy Paste BGB Instructions

Does anyone have notes they copy paste into chat, that seemingly resonates with people for each BG? I’m somewhat new to rated PvP.

I was climbing and I enter my highest rated game that was around 2k average, it was a Temple of Kotmogu, no one was chatting which to me was a scary sign. I then proceeded to just give a quick run down and well… match starts, I head for the Orb on my right (called it out) and as I made my way to the centre I notice… no one has picked up our left side orb and everyone just dogpiled into the pit.

I then get a Eye of the Storm, I tell ppl what I’m gonna do and a rogue joins me in rushing DR. Rogue and I look over and the entire team went for the flag without even capping our base.

Please if you have a few lines that you feel work in your BG’s, post them for me. Even for a single BG. Something that you feel really herds the sheep.

For Temple specifically, it is very hard to get coordination going once the match is in full swing. I try to make sure that we have the two initial orbs assigend. During the match, any command is outdated by the time it is read by anyone. The very common “pick orbs” or “go middle” are not helping anyone.

Gilneas is the one, where consistent communication may have the most benefit. Silvershard mines is useful as well to coordinate carts.

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Thank you, do you have any tips for Deepwind Gorge? I’m pretty sure I’ve only ever won that like twice. People always seem to get lost and end up brawling in Market.

People seem to care more about farming kills than objectives for some reason.

I despise AB/DWG in Blitz. My tactic is to alternate between the two closest nodes, where I find myself. Running across takes too long and you are very likely to become intercepted

Just delete this bad BG from the game and will be much better.

Yes, the key to winning this map is to cover / contest all bases. If a base is about to become neutral, send one of your teammates there. If there are no opponents, they get a free cap. If there are opponents, they can prevent the other team from getting points by anticapping the flag.

If team A sends 4 players, 3 dps and 1 healer to blacksmith, and team B only commits 2 players to blacksmith, this is advantageous for team B, as the base remains neutral, but team B has 6 players available to take other points on the map, whereas team A only has 4 players to cover the rest of the map.

You have a limited amount of players in your team. Use them as efficiently as possible to get the maximum points for your team. Never stack on the same spot with the majority of your team!

Check your maps frequently. If a base is about to uncap and nobody from your team is going there yet, peel off and cover it.

Use your CCs effectively and respect DRs to land caps.
Defend for 25 seconds, then move on.

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