Core & Unholy talent revamp - Alpha

our best bet is that all the Youtubers who promote War Within starts to make loud noises about how trash War Within will be, if DK don’t get a propper rework, to focus more properly to a Disease/Undead build, and move completely away from the Combo Point Festering Wound trash mechanic.

heck if peoples like Asmongold or Preach starts to harp at Blizzard, then they will notice right away, and if any thing is for sure, Blizzard hates being called out by Asmongold.

Don’t think any of these guys main DK though.

I’m wondering what guys like Bicepumps and the other wowhead class writers think. He did a quick preview of the most recent changes and was quite positive about it. Going to see what they think over at the DK discord.

Also spotted this:


the problem with some of them is that, they are simping way to hard on the numbers DK are dishing out on live/alpha, and as a result they make it sound like it’s all sunshine. What we need are people like asmon, to send his rage hating squad at Blizzard, and push them to the point were they have to invest money to rework DK properly.

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Did you saw we are forced to take improved mind freeze at the start of left tree to be able to pick any talents below.
It would be good if improved mind freeze give like 4sec ibf on successuful interupt


My friend…my friend… Two or more years ago i tried aswell to raise this issue: the issue that we have NO real way of shining light on our issues, I used Savix back then primarliry because his videos and content really made good points that even the yes men at blizz could understand WHY the class is in a trash place, funny meme editing and heartfelt reactions always hit home.
the bonus with savix is that he also plays rogue alongside paladin, so he gets more traction with the devs, not to mention he is friends with anboni, that no doubt sped up priests prioroty in the rework timeline when devs and people could SEE how it played in a video and not spreadsheets and dead data in a designer office that dont play the game.

i made the same point about mcconnel and asmongold, none of them even know DK is in the state it is in, savix doesent know, and with a logical reason, they have their classes theu care about, and thus screechhard when things are trash with them…which also brings me my second point…

As you said Chillmore, the DK discord are a bunch of souless yes men that play the class according to the numbers, they dont play DK, they play a class, it could liikewise have been warrior, they are also -simps- as mentioned, to not lose “goodwill” to rock the boat because half the creators there legitimetly does not see a problem, as i mentioned in another post with my theory that the entire DK class has a weird 0.5 second gcd delay and “dead inputs” below 21 or even23% haste after my own testing. The people in the Discord might spend a week in the low haste window at the start of an expansion, they will then later have a minimum of 25% haste or soemthing because that’s what the META SIM tells them to run, to achieve their top perdcentile DPS in a bloated raid with raid buffs or high level boosted to (un)holy levels of stats in Arena due to the gear they get. The issues with DK fades once you get into that high gear territory, because it just does damage like any designed class, ON PAPER, how the gameplay is below that high heaven threshold they are not concerned about.

I know it’s harsh of me to say, because i respect biceps, i really do. yet i stand by my point that there is no REAL organic voice to pull back the information censor that blankets msot of our issues, no REAL savix like personality, no asmon.

…no hope…

The time after legion in Dk design has been wild for me, a personal journey, ive written so many posts, stoked in my anger, valid anger i will stand by every of my words, often i wonder that we have people that make real guides for the class, and cannot see the errors, the asinine design, how we are treated compared to the other classes, just how outdated, neglected and how much of an afterthought we really is. HOW CAN THEY NOT SEE!!! at this rate we will once again run around with spreadsheet bandaid design choices with NO rework, AGAIN being a legion type designed class with no artifact weapon while everyone else is recieveing big fancy war within ideas and tuning.

i dont think ive ever been as mad as when i heard the first announcement form TWW alpa class deisgn was a damnable WINDWALKER REWORK. WEVE BEEN BLEEDING OUT IN THE WAITING ROOM AND A BOZO WITH A RICEHAT IS RUSHED INTO SURGERY WITH A CUT FINGER AAAAAAAA


I sometimes feel like they feel forced to come up with different shapes talent trees, instead of keeping one template that works best overall and using wherever possible.

For example, look at the hunter or the paladin class tree. Look how many useful connections there are at the top. Compare it now to ours, and so we’re not just coming across like mad DKs, the Evoker and Mage class tree. What’s up with this first choice nod that you have to pick? Some talent tree templates are clearly better than others. Having a first forced choice like that is like them saying “yeah this ability sucks without its modifying talent”.

Yeah I know what you mean, I obviously respect and read what they say and I learn a lot from their guides. Though I do feel sometimes they just care about the bottom line and numbers, and as long as we keep ranking at the top of those DPS meters, they’ll be happy and report good news.

But guys like you and me, and tbh quite a few people in this forum are asking for a systemic change, not a band aid fix. I much rather see DKs ranking 5th or 7th on the dps rankings but actually have a super fun experience, than being dominating 1st spot for a whole expansion but then be kind of grumpy whilst doing so.


This guy dont know how to play dk at all just check talents builds hes making on wowhead its for laghing no one ever used them.
Also some Taeznak hes builds dont have any sense.
Thats why dk is in poor state because of their bad feedback.
I know biceps from warmane private server played few times with him hes not good at all.

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