Core Void Elf Customization Thread

She borrowed one from Stormwind. (Those gryphons in the old world have not updated to new models)

Aye. Its what Blizzard should have done in the first place back in Legion. Train those that is still loyal to Alliance (Alliance High Elves and Veeresa and her Silver Covenant) then go out looking for a Unknown Blood elf exiled group that did not even exist. Sure they could let Umbric and his followers in later. But no lets forget they even existed and bring in this unknown group instead, that has no lore 1, no history 2, no nothing 3 and make them playable instead of playable High elves (But Void elves was a last minute decision). But If we going to get High elves at Midnight expansion, then its forgiven even if its far away before Midnight realases.

However I do like Allerias look and using cosmic void magic. And I hope Void elves get customization option like hers or similar and her New Silver Covenant armor look.
Hmm well if It doesn’t happen, that we don’t get High elves at Midnight, atleast if we get customaztions like Alleria and her SC armor and weapons then I would be happy. I do like the wild hairstyles Void elves have and there was some Dracthyrs hairstyles that would work well with the Void elves. And two toned hairstyle and two toned skin color would work great for Void elves.