Corrupt Intent recruiting

Hello there!
Corrupt Intent is looking for new people to bolster our ranks in shadowlands!

We are a smaller guild who is freshly formed due to lack of guilds who aim to clear heroic with one raid night a week.

We are in need of one healer, one tank and a few DPS.
The guild focus on having fun together and to have a relaxed atmosphere outside and during raids.

We raid Wednesdays at 20:30 untill 23:30 (CET).
We do two nights a week where we go together and play m+ or other fun activities in wow.
If you believe you are a fit for us, feel free to send a message here or ingame/discord.

Kind regards
Officer team of Corrupt intent

GM: Frox bnet: Bluffs#2759 Discord: Bluffs#3645

Officer: Teamha Bnet:Silentstorm#24245 Discord: Cari#5707

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