Corrupted items in guild bank/ warband bank on other realms

I have put all my toons in 1 guild to use the guild bank.

I use tsm for crafting so all my mats are in that bank. Now if I open my guild bank on the realm it originally is created, the tsm tasklist can take everything with no problem. Now on other realms that doesn’t work, some items when you right click will not go to your bag, if you open and close the bank they will but you have to do it a few times.

The thing that first worked was manually take out of the bank and put it back, that’s what I did on the original realm, must I do this also on the other realms, or a UI reset?
My warbandbank is simmilar.

EDIT: the only way to move some items is to left click and drag them in my bag, this goes