Corrupted items replacing TF

and devs told you many time tf is here to stay

so enjoy your corruptionforge now ::slight_smile: system 5 times worse then tf ^^

and next time done ask for things to be removed from game

at this point i do feel that its the pride of develpers and Ion himself driving this rng-fiesta

Aye … Cries in healer main

I give it 1 day

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I hope they enjoy Classic having more players than cause barely anyone is left staying in bfa lol.

Why would things be simple when they can be more complicated and annoying :rofl:, that’s the way how the BFA works, as a never ending grind of : azerite points and neck levels, essences, reps for unlocking allied races, and now in the future the things required to control the corruption level of the gear we get :roll_eyes:

Oh my… like i wasn’t struggeling enough with healing :stuck_out_tongue:

After I’ve read through the list on Wowhead I could already whine about it. With TF there was just an ilvl increase. With the corruption thing there are so many things in 3 possible tiers.

With this logs will mean nothing. 2 frost/fire mages for example could have extreme differences in dps when one gets only avoidence/heal recieved corrupted items while the second one has the same ilvl, but with 7-8 pieces with crit dmg.

Even when you can choose the bonus, most classes would very probably just run around with crit dmg bonus, which will have a far greater impact on some specs than TF could ever have.


Yeah but the odds will be much better. You gotta forge an item (WF had more than 20% chances to proc right ?) And then get the debuff you want, but as it’ll happen on all slots so you have much better odds than trying to get that sweet socketed benthic item imo

No heals for that guy, thats for sure :wink:

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i think blizz made 1 mistake

they released this system to public without telling whether content will be tuned with or without corruption in mind

what i mean is lets say that hc content is tuned for 445 with 0 corruption and corruption bonus works like end of expansion staggering nerf.

then it kinda would make sense - because imagine having +5 crit/mastery/haste on 10 pieces of gear and then having to farm up corruption removing stuff - lets say that grind will take you 3-4 months but you will end up with your toon having for example +20% haste + 20 % crit and +10 % mastery with minor detriment because you have like 95% negated debuffs.

then in my eyes it would make sense

but ye healers are so f…cked atm :slight_smile:

You should be able to cleanse it with Mother so you can just ignore the corruption

Yeah, we’ll need more info for sure, but as it looks right now… yikes!

Here’s data about numbers.
Still no data whether bonuses stacks.
And does corruption and bonuses tiers are bound to each other? I mean, from what I see there are 3 tiers of corruption and positive affix, but does that mean I can roll tier 1 corruption and tier 3 bonus? Or it’s always the same tier?

Tbh looking at current numbers it’s kinda completely messed up where you want the lower tier rewards vs the higher ones :frowning: going for max 59 corruption, you can get 11 tier 1 5 corruption 5% crit dmg corruptions where as with highest tier, T3 20 corruption 7% crit dmg corruptions you can only get 2x T3 and 1x T2, 55% crit vs (2x 7% + 1x 6%)

It’s probably tier bound. Corruption is there to counter the effect. So if you get a 7% proc you gonna have to deal with 20 to 25 corruption. Otherwise there would be no sense to the corruption counterpart

No matter what system Blizz introduces, people will always complain about having to farm something to improve their gear whether it is corruption resistance or some ingame currency. If Blizz removes any of this people will start complain about not having anything to do because “I havr my bis gear”.

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You may be able to downgrade a higher tier rather than just fully cleanse an item

Edit : that’s pure speculation but it could help a lot imo

People are hating it without even knowing fully how it works.
The system is probably not even finished yet, we have like 2 more months before 8.3 and even more until the raid releases (where this gear will probably drop).

Now of course you’re not just gonna equip every single corrupted gear piece that you get, that would just be stupid, anyone with a brain should know this.
Which is where theorycrafting what’s best for you comes in, what threshold do you wanna stop at, do the buffs outweigh the debuffs and so on.

It has potential to be interesting but given how BfA so far has worked out, I don’t have high hopes.

Assuming they fix that stuff, it is still a lot of layers of RNG to get a good item:

  1. Item you want needs to be corrupted.
  2. Corruption needs to be the desired one out of 11 possibilities.
  3. Corruption needs to be in the right tier.
  4. Corruption itself needs to be the lowest amount possible.

That doesn’t even factor in gems yet.

Fingers crossed it will work out I guess.

so even more diablo now. good.