No dps that gets outdps’d by a tank in m+ can be called a dps anyway.
With best regards, 45k dps overall guardian druid. It’s a lot, but dps players should be on 60k+ overall, if they’re on 470 such as my druid.
No dps that gets outdps’d by a tank in m+ can be called a dps anyway.
With best regards, 45k dps overall guardian druid. It’s a lot, but dps players should be on 60k+ overall, if they’re on 470 such as my druid.
Actually I just did a M+ with Blood DK and he did 47k total damage with 457 ilvl,
Twilight Devastation doing 36% of his total damage,
it was the only corruption he had, thats a lot, I kinda see why they wanne nerf some of these corruptions, but I would nerf them more for tank specs somehow, it’s just too much.
I barely see dps specs with that ilvl doing 47k dps, unless they have the right corruption effects.
I think some of these corruption effects should be nerfed by 50% for tanks, the health based ones, and 25% for dps, not 50% for everyone.
yes, good reason to half echoing void damage
anyway in my book for 460+ dps anything below 50k overall is bad, especially on fort week
Well that corruption isn’t getting nerfed, so yeah. I see your point, but it’s echoing void, that usually does 20-25% of the total damage, not twilight devastation, that’s getting nerfed.
Because it is based on healt, i suspect that Echoing Void ist actually meant to be a Tank one so they even have a chance at aggro when the dps go ham on effects like twilight devastation or gushing wounds. It can still comfortably do that with 50% damage but loose it’s appeal to the dps, which might very well be the intendet point.
Agreed. People look too much at numbers and forget stuff like threat. It’s necessary for tanks to be able to put out decent dps too because otherwise they have no chance against DPS whom stack stuff like EV or TD. 8 sec cd taunt is not enough to grab aggro on an entire pack if a DPS pops it all, gets a couple of back to back procs of TD for example, especially if the tank’s own corruption effects are dealing less damage comparatively.
Fact is EV was too strong in it’s base form, it was obvious. With the 50% nerf it still offers reasonable passive dps for tanks but is less appetising for other dps, which seems to be the intended point- as everything about it reads like a tank corruption effect, yet all dps (even ranged) were stacking it up because at the end of the day 2% of your max health per second is insanely strong and consistent damage.
I’ve always seen it as a way for tanks to passively chunk additional dps and threat to keep up with DPS. Stuff like Stars and Wound are more appropriate for dps to focus on. I even see TD as a primarily tank corruption effect. I’m surprised that hasn’t been touched yet as my prot warrior is rocking a shield with TD 2 on it and it potentially contributes some pretty absurd numbers, especially when it crits for over 140k damage.
Yet, Twilight isnt gonne be nerfed yet, probably, they just nerf void so we’re gonne hunt for twilight, thats prob the next best thing, then, thats gonne be nerfed
Twilight does even more damage for me on AoE then void.
I don’t think there will be much more nerfing going around. If that was the case, they’d have nerved the effects instead of buffing the HP of the Bosses like Ra-Den. To me it seems obvious that blizz would prefer players to have some fun with stupid strong corruptions instead of pounding them down into the same grey-ish mush as Azerite.
Weirdly enough, that mindset also explains the nerf to Echoing Void. It was so dominant in m+ that it was on it’s way to becoming straight up mandatory, taking out variety. With the nerv it’ll become a handy tool for tanks while dps can go nuts with devastation, wounds or stars.
Could you just get rid of it completely whilst you’re at it?
Agreed. Worse than Titanforged.
I’m enjoying high corruption (80+) gameplay in the open world, the most insane I’ve had happen to me was at the end of an assault inside the airship where I got 5 eyes and 3 things in rapid succession, all my CDs were gone at the end, constantly kept me on my toes and focussed on the game
As for the corruption effects, given their potency and importance it would be nice to allow people to ‘buy’ corruption procs for corrupted momento’s, expanding their purpose as something to further progress your power through gear upgrades and allow us to target something, be it rank or proc (or both)
As for the corruption effects, given their potency and importance it would be nice to allow people to ‘buy’ corruption procs for corrupted momento’s
That is such a good idea that they might actually implement it. You know, like one or two weeks before Shadowlands goes live. Like buyable Legendaries in Legion
on the other hand, we’re not even a month into the patch. it’s been a little over 3 weeks and there’s been complaint threads from day 1, bi*chng and moaning about how they don’t have their best corruption yet and that the system is busted because of it. Yes it’s RNG. And replacing a System that was crapped on by many players because of it’s RNG with another RNG system is… let’s be nice and call it nucking futs.
But: it’s also RNG what item, if any, you get from an m+. Sure, you can somewhat target an item by choosing a dungeon or bonusrolling at a specific raidboss, but the overall pool of corrupted effects is small by comparison to the overall lootpool we all gear ourselves with. And it happens often enough that it is far less frustrating than TF-hunting or Socket hunting ever was. At least to me
As a guardian druid i get the nerf to echoing void even as much as it did. Only problem I’m having is the corruption level stayed the same.
Because if you nerf the damage and the corruption, you just need more RNG to get a second piece with r 3 Echoing and get back to the same damage as before.
The point is that EV damage per corruption was too high, if you nerf corruption, you buff it back.
So then nerf it so hard and leave its corruption as is so no 1 uses it at all vs the alternatives?
“So hard”
As a BDK it was like 24 % of my damage at R3"
Now rank 3 push 20% more compared to rank 1 EV pre nerf, wich stil pushed out 13/14% of my damage.
It is for sure not bad.
You can be angry because they nerf things with bad timing or because they nerf EV but forget twilight devastation.
EV is still a good effect imo, no need to be angry.
Wouldn’t say I’m angry more disappointed and again like i said i get the nerf to damage. My problem is the corruption stayed the exact same… I was/am using 2 rank 2EV wich was as u said roughly 30% of my damage now it deals less damage than trash yet still 70 corruption. I like how it works as it fits in with rotation but its current output with the corruption it gives just isnt right after a 50% nerve
I know the frustration but it is still 15% of your damage. Would not say it is completely garbage.
If corruption would get decresed than its not a nerf. iF you lose 50% dmg and also 50% corruption on item than you can just get another item with corruption and you are again where you were. Just stop being entitled and accept fact it was way too OP and it deserved nerf.
ill just go and say lets agree to disagree ur too focused on EV damage which i mentioned 2 times that i get the nerf in damage and i agree with if it got 50% off corruption u’d just get more stacks which isn’t what i was implying. the only prob again is it stayed the EXACT same … that’s it
Too late. Too slow. People have left already.