Corruption, not so bad after all

If it was on a cd instead of random proc id still think it would be good. You’d have to think a bit more about it before you just let it blast off and pull everything.

Even then, it will turn tanks into damage dealers, which is the opposite of what a tank should be doing.

What tank should be doing? Being a sponge that contribute nothing to the dungeon/raid?

Well technically speaking tanks should be the ones taking damage and using defensive spells to protect themselves not deal 200k dps because of twilight devastation


Well that is what we are doing, no? Is not like we forget how to use basic tank things because TD.

Tanks are already scarce in number, I don’t think gutting damage is the right way to make them fun.

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Doesnt change the fact doing 220k+ as tank isnt normal and shouldnt be the norm

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It is not the norm tho? And I am not outdpsing any decent dps.
Maybe the mage with no combust.
Or maybe I out dps them for like 5 seconds because the TD procced when I pulled and then they pull ahead pushing 300k.

I usually close dungeon around 60k, depending on the dungeon of course. But I never outdps any dps in the group.

Of course you can outdps bad dps, but I mean that was the case even in S3 for me.

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Tanks reaching 45k-60k dps where 50% is TD… Yeah, no.

Yeah how bad having tanks that have fun too.

I guess only rogues and dh should be allowed to use TD/Lash of the Void and pump on AoE right?

Tanks should do 2k dps olding aggro of people pushing 300k or more in Aoe situation right?

How dare tanks have fun.

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If they want to do DPS, they should roll a … DPS.

Because one corruption is fine doesnt mean that the system is “good”.

A passive effect thats your 1st dmg on your dmg list, not sure is ok…

Why we have class-spec skills, if one item effect does more dmg?

“Why I freaking have to wait 2 hours for a tank omg I hate this”.

Typical dps player

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That is true, I would like tanks to do more damage in general with they kit and not thanks to TD but that is a problem with 8.3 in general i think.

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I don’t have this problem as DPS.

You’re still missing the point , tanks arent supposed to out take real dps on the dps meter , they’re supposed to be the ones taking the damage and using defensive spells, not have a huge blast of dmg that makes him reach 250k every few seconds , i’m not having more fun because i’m doing a mill damage

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Read it again. Do i defend the system to do i say TWD is a cool effect that makes tanking fun?

Sure sure.
But I was not talking about you specifically but in general about dps player crying about lack of tanks.

Your attitude pushing tanks that want to contribute to damage to roll a dps won’t solve the scarcity of tanks but will have the opposite effect.

If you out dps a dps player in the “total” meter then that dps I either not geared or should start questioning his skill as a dps.

And please let’s not take +2 keys as an example but actual decent keys where TD do not delete the dungeon.

We still do.

With this i agree but in the sense that I hate that my damage come from external abilities and not from myself and how I play, but that is a problem with 8.3 in general.

Speak for yourself.
I like being able to help my group with a lot of damage, and not being an irrelevant sponge that do nothing except holding aggro.

And again I do agree that if the damage came from my abilities it would be better but it is what it is.

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You seem to be the only one that reads and can understand i want an ability item etc etc that mimics TWD instead of just raging about corruption.

I just wanted to ask how best do you think they could make tanks deal ok-ish damage? Id prefer if it was burst personally, i love the just explosive effect TWD has so if it was an item like a legendary, trinket or maybe a skill that made me able to do it i would think that was awesome. Something that scales purely on health.

Tanks were already doing ok damage before 8.3 , doing 40k-50k is enough as a tank

Yeah but thats just leaving out the part were i named my appreciation of our health(tankiness) contributing to our dps (obsidian skin too).

Instead of stacking damage stats we stack tank stats and still do ok dmg so we arent just punching bags