Corruption, not so bad after all

Yes but you have to take into account that dps did not have corruptions.

Idk about you but sometimes aggro snapping was super problematic already in 8.2 with some classes, dk especially.

I am not saying corruption is fine but saying tanks should not do damage is not smart imo.

The thing is, tanking should NOT be having to press taunt on CD just to not lose aggro to a Firemage who is going bananas with combustion on pull. Without that damage at the moment tanks would not be able to hold aggro without spamming taunt, tank damage is a vital part of holding aggro and when the Mage and DH are doing 100k+ damage I need to do 45k so the boss does not just turn around and decide to slap the dps.

The moment dps damage goes up Tank damage has to go up as well otherwise threat does not work, unless we want to play “wait for 3 sunders” again.

Wow can’t wait

Also i loves the consistency of Echoing Void more but Blizzard nerf it to the ground so TD for low keys, Versa stacking for high ones. Not really much to play around.

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Agreed, id prefer a more controlled source of damage as well but at the end of the day I do need the damage from somewhere to keep up with the secondary stacking of the dps classes.

Yep I mean I wanted to do some higher keys with friends some weeks ago and I had to quickly dump Bonestorm for Red Thirst so even less damage to play around.

I tank on DK as well and I honestly prefer Thirst over bonestorm in most cases, expecially when tanking N’zoth, bonestorm is flashy but I only use it in lower keys where the objective is just to zerg through them quickly and it does not really matter cause its a fun button to press :stuck_out_tongue:

This is just the same old same old. We saw it as well with Vengeance back in MoP.

I get that it’s a very motivating power fantasy for a tank to watch himself stand toe-to-toe with 10 mobs, healing himself through massive absorptions, and then destroying them all as well.

But frankly, this is just your class being overpowered. That’s right, I think Twilight Devastation on high HP tanks is overpowered; very overpowered.

It’s fun to be overpowered to some degree, but it’s less fun for those around you. Watching yourself helplessly flail around if attacked for 5 seconds while another guy does the same damage as you and tanks all of the mobs effortlessly is not particularly motivating, and don’t even get me started on tanks in PvP.

We should resist the temptation to make tanks OP in order to make them fun. There are better ways.

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Entirely agree , this was my point , doing 40k-50k as a tank is already more than enough , having tanks spike at 220k dps because of twilight devastation is not the way to go

Honestly that was just as much of a thing before TD ws around, make it 20 mobs, except now it takes 30 seconds instead of 90

There have been on-and-off problems with overtuned tanks multiple times in WoW’s history. This is nothing new.

But Twilight Devastation dials it up to 11.

I’m surprised arena hasn’t been infested with TD spamming tanks yet. I guess it’s still a little too unreliable to actually get kills with - but it sure does blow stuff up in M+ and raids.

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I mean on key like 15 i can chill with Bonestorm but going higher with fortified I can’t really allow myself to spend that much runic on damage.

Tell me when you start playing with decent dps when all your mobs will ignore you because your dps are aoeing for 300k each

I am done explaining to someone that do not listen so bb.

They exist but unless the target is immediately in front of the tank it is pretty easy to avoid TD, and at least until recently just piling vers was way more effective in pvp

Yeah, makes sense. It’s too random to work well in PvP.

But that doesn’t change a thing regarding PvE. In PvE there’s a lot less kiting and mobs aren’t that intelligent, so they’ll just straight into every beam and then it’s OP as hell.

Part I hate about it is levelling a fresh 120. I keep dropping corrupted gear, and even though it’s a big upgrade I can’t wear it because the thing from beyond double procs and I get caught in the huge eye of corruption.
So then I have to try and plough through the cloak quest line in green gear because I couldn’t wear the upgrades I worked hard to get.
It’s a terrible system, and I hate it to no end.

I agree the way you get the corruption is garbage.
But i disagree that it’s fun when you have all the corruption effects you want.
The only time it was fun imo, was when you’d played the entire tier, had bank full of corruption effects that weren’t really what you wanted, but you still had to build a set together, that was fun. The moment the vendor went live tho, it might as well be a trinket proc now, the only limiting factor that prevents you from having the optional setup is your resistance the mix and match is gone.

Blood DK with TD 4 or 5 is the most fun this game has been since Antorus for me. In my eyes the corruption system is super fun.

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I like the idea

I just hate having to rely on rng procs for my damage, would be nice if they ‘‘passive-fied’’ the procs, then i’d love it :smiley:

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I think in the end the OP is asking for a Twilight Dev on use trinket for shadowlands because it looks so cool :slight_smile:

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Yeah but okaylet’s dial tank dps down to 50k, and scale up their threat from dmg as a result. What exactly does this achieve apart from:

  1. Making the tank player see smaller numbers “because they rolled a tank”
  2. Make the mobs take longer because the tank now deals paper bag dps
  3. Make the DPS artifically feel better because now the tank has no chance of coming close on the meters.

This is very much a DPS perception issue. You’re arguing for things to be exactly as they are except changing it so it works through means other than the tank dealing damage “because of principle”? Ehhh? Where does this argument end? No defensives for DPS because “you’re a DPS”? No heals or cleanses?

To me it just seems like a peen issue, people don’t like it when tanks show up on meters because “that’s not where they belong”. It makes the dungeon go faster, is it that big a deal?

The mechanics of it are completely whack i’ll agree, random huge procs is dumb as heck. But the idea that tanks “should” deal low damage and just have huge threat modifiers, I don’t see the argument. It achieves exactly the same as is the case now regarding aggro, except makes it less dynamic for the tank, slower for the group just so the DPS can feel vindicated that they’re the only ones dealing real damage? What kind of argument is that?

It won’t make the DPS any more valuable than they already are, it won’t make you actually deal more damage or perform before, but it may well stop certain people playing tank because feeling like you’re contributing something beyond being a sack of HP is quite nice.
Having DPS = threat gives variety in tank builds, dps builds that aim for speed over mitigation for example, more defensive builds, balanced builds. Dialing down dps altogether forces all tank players into a singular “max defence” playstyle. And again, just to make DPS feel “better” or “proper” about the damage they deal. That is a weak justification.


The thing is DPS are just as OP, I will take Ra den as an example cause its a pretty good one for a Raidfight there is some cleave there is target switching a bit of movement and the rest is Single target dps. Our two firemages average around 95-100k dps I do about 45k dps and I have more uptime because the only time I am not hitting the boss is when I grip the adds to bring them into cleave range.

If the dps and tanks have similar gear and corruption the dps still do more than double if it is a dps spec that is good right now (which is the thing tanks have to hold aggro against), tanks are very far away from overtaking dps if the classes are played decently, I am in no way amazing nor are our mages but we at least hit the buttons in the right order.

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