Cosmic Void for Priest please

Well , the humans in lovecrafts universe are former genetically development slaves that were designed with the inability to see the universe as it is . The universe as it is has far more layer that a normal human can’t see. To the rest of the universe the humans are dust understand their feet, and it isn’t like they want to kill us but the very site of them will causes humans to go mad and as a result they die. If a human is to attempt to see the universe as it is they will see incurable horrors , and while they will see the truth to others they would look like a madman.

Because plague is magical in origin and was created with use of shadow magic

If they started making class skins for the store people would probably buy them all instantly.

So, to go back to the topic, would that translate that priest can’t attune to that side of the void magic because they can’t pierce over the layer of the old-godesque representation of shadow? It would make sense, we did had a talent that was literally about surrending to madness as if that was the maximum affinity we could get to the void…and if we try to go beyond that well, we got mad

New Shadow priest ability - Voidplague, deals Nature and Shadow damage.

Well , see in lore of lovecraft it isn’t madness , but the knowledge of the truth ?deadly?. I guess the overload is what kills you from see an old one.

Yes and? My point is cosmic looking effects are much more in tune with prime inspiration than purple slimey thing. Nowadays purple slimey thing is shadow magic while “void” spells are cosmic and blue. It’s evident in warlock summon animations, generic demons have purple and green portals while voidwalker has dark blue portal. Adding stars to it just expands void dark blue theme

That looks like arcana imbued with shadow power. That is the same as shadowflame, yet no priests ever use it. I think this is gonna be some form of borrowed power, i dont seewhy blizzard would just suddenly update one random class spells.

Yeah , but that is still just the nether . Priest are just conduits for the light and the void , they basically call up its power and hope for a response. The mage and warlock use the power of the nether to power their spells .

Holy smokes I’d play spriest.

Nah, warlocks do any magic that considered forbidden, death, shadow, fel and even void in small amounts, binding to your will voidwalker is clearly dabbling with void magic

My point is very straightforward. I’m not saying this should be the exact spell effect that Spriests have (and if they do, it shouldn’t replace the current one, but rather be an optional choice like the green fire for warlocks). What I’m trying to convey is that as we delve deeper into Warcraft lore with each expansion, the visual representation of the void becomes increasingly distinct from what we’re accustomed to, or at least, what we have been accustomed to in the latest expansion. Do you remember the raven priests from Wrath? Their spells had a blueish tone, and I believe there was a time when shadow form was actually dark blue instead of purple - although I might be mistaken here.

The reason I’m bringing this up is that the way shadow priests are aesthetically portrayed aligns closely with the shadow magic associated with the Old Gods. However, with the introduction of dark naaru and cosmic void, we now know that the opposite of light can extend much further. I think it would be nice for Blizzard to provide shadow priests with this visual as well, as not everyone enjoys playing as a deranged servant of the Old Gods.

Suppose there are lore-based reasons why shadow priests can’t delve into that aspect. In that case, this could still be a visual option to replace light-themed spells. If it’s true that necromantic magic can draw from various schools (as we learned in Shadowlands with Calia), the same concept could be applied to healing spells. It would make more sense for Forsaken, Void Elves, or any priest who doesn’t wish to align themselves with the Light to perform healing spells (and this idea could also be extended to paladins).

Will I stop playing if I don’t get this? Absolutely not. However, I find it disheartening to witness what NPCs can do while we, as players, can’t experience even a fraction of it. I’m not the type of player who focuses solely on numbers; I enjoy playing for the visuals and the story. I like to immerse myself in a character and imagine their journey in the game. I believe this change would breathe fresh air into the shadow priest experience.

No idea what that is
But that is seriously cool

They still come from the nether.

Please see below some other examples.

This is from an artist, done 5 years ago


This person in reddit mocked up a void weaver off Discipline and Holy priest

[indent preformatted text by 4 spaces](

At 1.11 you can see a K’thir using the same kind of bluish void magic

[indent preformatted text by 4 spaces](

There are heaps of example, from Tol Dagor to the kind of void used by k’thir tidesages.

What this is telling me is that there is a space for priest to harness that side of the void and move beyond the Old God theme.

we really out here ignoring balance druids and their entire toolkit?

Imagine the new class was a cosmic (void) caller instead of an evoker, and imagine it was playable for all races, while dracthyr got a bunch of existing classes. Wouldn’t that be cool >.>

We need “void warrior” type of class, chainmail melee with abilities to shred defences, teleport-attack and attach pulsing bombs

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So basically kassadin minus the bombs?

Yeah, I had him in mind, void spirit from dota fits too