Cost of game so far is frightning

I once wanted to count but i don’t see the point the money is gone so why bother.

I would say mostly i have enjoyed my time in wow and when i have not enjoyed i have just unsubscibed and played something else.

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I like the answer, no bother about spending money if you can have dozens of fun :slight_smile:

It keeps me entertained and there’s worse things I could waste money on. :blush:

The furthest I see my transaction history go to is the year 2012 when I got my first credit card (18 years old). I’ve spent 729 euros total on char transfers, virtual blizzcon tickets, gametime, wow tokens, expansions etc. I didn’t count buying Diablo III in that, strictly WoW related stuff.
I started playing in 2008 so adding up game-time cards to play WoW every now and then + Cata + Wrath + TBC chest would roughly amount to 1100 euros spent on WoW.

Now compare that to what most addicts spend on a mobile game like cash of clans each year… whoof. I imagine that number hits the 1000 euros mark easy if you want to level up your base quickly, and those kids do enjoy their instant reward by swiping their credit cards

I stopped counting after 3 years because it got depressing. and here I am after 10 years, still paying the subscription and buy all the expansions :crazy_face:

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I mostly spent real money just for buying expansions, think I only paid for 1 month of game time with real money and I’ve been playing without breaks basically since the addition of the WoW token.

Why do we agree to pay the subscription? because theoretically, this game should stand out, devs should take care of everything, repair the classes, generally all the mistakes and we agree to pay, not for the fact that 3/4 forum describes errors, which blizzard does not deign to repair.

My spending peaked in legion, when alts and content became too much for me, had to spend money enough to get 5 or 6 characters a level boost. I simply couldn’t be bothered, they gave us the content we lacked, and asked for, but hell it was too much for me.

One of the most cheapest forms of entertainment .
13 euro a month . I spend much more on couple of beers on a night out .

I think it should be higher tbh. The classes get more and more fun with each new expansion and it must take a lot of work to make them so fun to play so they deserve more. Perhaps if they upped the sub to 25eur it would be a little more appropriate, but that’s just my opinion.

More for sub while blizz is not putting any effort to repair all bugs and classes from the start of BFA? people are complaining about bugs here and there, and you want to pay them more, gg :slight_smile:

There have always been bugs in the game and they are working day and night to fix them I am 100% certain of it. I’d love to pay blizzard more money if it means the game would become even more fun to play.

While it sounds a lot, it’s relatively speaking not that much. That’s on average 10£ a month. If you start calculating things, you’re spending a lot of money “wasteful” things. How much do you spend on alcohol each month? How much do you spend on streaming services? How much do you spend on gadgets and small things?

Put in perspective, 10£ a month on entertainment isn’t that much. And if you’re to start calculating money spent on non-essentials, you’re going to go mad. I’ve spent a heck of a lot on WoW ever since I joined in 2005, but I’ve also gained friends that I wouldn’t have met without WoW. And those friendships are more valuable than money.

Time spent is more valuable than these 10 Euros TBH.

Time spent on something you enjoy isn’t a waste of time at all. In the end we’re all gonna die, better have some fun before it happens.

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I didn’t talk about wasting that time, i mean more time = more fun

My bad, misunderstood you :slight_smile:

Thats nothing really. I spent around 3000 on League of Legends, and its a free game. Amount of fun i got from wow is worth every cent i spent multiple times over.

But i like your post “In the end we’re all gonna die, better have some fun before it happens.” this is my motto :slight_smile: