Could normal people get something to do?

To get roflstomped by players in 227 gear or play with AFK players thats leeching honor? I don’t think thats enjoyable. How to play alts in 160 ilvl gear? idk.

the problem most people are faced with right now is… they did all that stuff already during the content droughts in BFA which came before this…

then the problem with how alt unfriendly SL actually is even though it was advertised as being the most alt friendly expansion…

lack of content gives you more time to play alts sure… but the processes of gearing and progressing said alts are the most unfriendly it has ever been in wow’s history… not to mention arguably the most unenjoyable as well…

sure there is plenty to do if you havent already done it …

but you cant make people play things which is just simply unfriendly and severely time constrained

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Regarding Guild Wars2, the devs is abandoning raid content as they cannot justify the cost of developing raid content that only a pitance of the player base gets to see and finish. Blizzard had been at that point too, and why they made LFR, or the alternative would have been no more raids.

I think the elitist raider attitude is even higher in Guild Wars 2 with their demands for high numbers of legendary insights. Ive tried some of the raids and they feel more difficult than WoW, mainly because of effect spam from players and not too easy to see boss effect zones on the ground.

“Normal”, yeah right, get off your high horse

It makes you wonder what blizzard could do in game if they didn’t push do much resource into raiding. I’d be surprised if they couldn’t make content that would appear more broadly.

For the last few expansions it has been an instance based game, built over an open world game.

The shift in design philosophy is not exactly new, so why do people get suprprised by that in 2021 ?

M+ isn’t endgame, just a filler, that many enjoy, but I don’t.
Raiding is dead on my server, so I cant do that.
PVP is plain bad.
So what else is left?

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I like the almost seamless open world and I still like most of the story content and the lore.

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That’s because you only see the game for dungeons or raids. People who don’t care for that see all the other content.


I enjoy dungeons just fine, I don’t enjoy M+. Dungeons used to have heroics were the end all and that was good with me. Though, trying to pug for anything has gotten worse over time not better so there’s yet another reason as to why there’s a rise in people who don’t even try.

Like me! I don’t try because trying to pug M+ and what not as DPS is a pain and an exercise in wasting time without getting anything out of it. Same for trying to pug raids, though it’s a waste because there’s always a ‘higher level’ of raid anyways. That’s the problem you end up having with raids that have 4 different difficulties, and dungeons too. LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic. Normal, Heroic, Mythic, M+. Makes the rest feel useless basically, especially with the ‘weekly vault’ crap.

Trying to find a ‘good’ guild that doesn’t have some weird clique with the officers and their own friend circle? Good luck. Another exercise in wasting time basically, especially when ever guild requires you to be in discord and voice chat basically even just to ‘hey listen to us’ so you don’t get to just ignore the people you don’t like in such guilds.

Haven’t been able to enjoy such content as a result of the community, and then of course with M+ I dislike the D3-esque affixes and the ‘timed’ run stuff altogether.

Maybe if the community had been better, we wouldn’t have such problems but guess what? Not going to happen any time soon so, more solo content is going to be needed as time goes on and more people get fed up with such things.


“Normal people” :rofl:

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At least removing Master loot went a long way curbing such clique guilds and removing severe levels of loot drama.

Oh great, just as we get rid of the whiny hunter whose name escapes me we get another welfare advocate wanting top gear so they can slaughter boars faster in world quests.

Theres plenty of avenues for you to improve. I’m doing 1 night a week M+ with friends who have busy real lives and we’re pretty much at LSM currently.

You’re literally finding an excuse to whine about every avenue
M+ “It’s all gogogo qq”
Arena: “It’s all boosters qq”



Yeah, everyone in this thread is asking for top gear. You’re very smart.

Asking for meaningful solo progression outside of the same 8 dungeons or 1 raid isn’t the same as asking for top gear. You can still have the bigger numbers from your +8 or whatever, no one cares.


Well thats kinda fault of casual audience what has been advocating multiple difficulty levels for wow content for years. You just harvest what you have planted so dont complain about huge power differences.

In BfA we had Horrific Visions, you could gear up doing those and reach a decent item level (only 5 below Mythic Raid). It was great for solo players like me.
Why doesn’t Torghast reward gear?


I do my weekly mythic + key and then the options are just grind pvp rating or spend 3 hours wiping in a pug raid.

neither of which is enjoyable, ive honestly just started farming transmog and prepping for tbc classic.

the world content in shadowlands sucks.


And why didn’t you add Roleplay to that list?!

If you Google wow, it literally says: “ World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game”


Elitist much?

Edit: I just want to be able to play and enjoy Ramdom Battleground and not be destroyed by Duelists and Glads with 30 item levels higher.
It’s fine on this Priest, but my alts are much lower geared.


…because its not a major point of the game, at the very least not anymore. role play has not been a thing outside of rpg realms for a long, long time. the game might be classified as mmorpg but there is little rpg in it.

the rpg part can mean many things. from full blown out player rpg to just a bit of flavour text.