Could normal people get something to do?

Its fine that you support your mythic raiders, mythic dungeon folks and (high level) arena players, but that is 5-15% of your audience.

We normal player want to have something to do/improve too. Currently you got these three (s above) avenures of improvment. They go until roughly ilevel 200-205. After that you can literally do nothing else.
Not everybody is good enough or likes the “go,go mentality for mystic+”.
The same with Arena which also has the problems of boosters being everywhere/balance being terrible (if you play certain classes).
Raiding I finished on normal with my guild. We are too bad for heroic. I don’t want to leave my guild for a heroic guilde (even if I was good enough), because I like the people in my guild.

What else is there to do? Level yet another alt? Experience the epic story, maw intro, the same dungeons and renown grind yet again? Farm some more mounts? Legend-Grind is ongoning, but almost finished.

Don’t get me wrong I want to work towards something, but I also want to see a reward for my work. Probably the same for the 59% (?) of casuals/normal (?) players who left.


do you have any evidence to back this up because 5-15% seem awfully low.

right, but what exactly do you expect? you are not interested in anything that warrants a high gear reward.

raiding, pvp and mythic+ are pretty much the core experience of wow. if you are not interested in any of them you can do all the side activities you listed. farm mounts, pets, transmog, wqs, achievements, alts etc.

since blizzard themselves do not publish any numbers anymore, im really curious where you pull those numbers from.


I really miss content like the mage tower, green fire questline, old school reps, challenge mode dungeons.

These things weren’t awfully difficult (apart from mage tower opening week), and they were things anyone could do regardless if they were a high end raider or pvper or not. Filler content that rewarded cool interesting unique rewards outside of the ‘‘main’’ endgame avenues of content.

It’s fine that they cater to the high end playerbase, but the game becomes kind of hollow when you only have high end endgame content like M+ or Arena and literally nothing else.


I always wonder why people who don’t enjoy Dungeons or raids even play WoW.

There are other “Constant progression” MMO games like BDO that you can play completly solo, never having to interact with any one ever.

But you choose to play the group oriented WoW… Because?


i have been here on and off trying to fight for this for multiple years now… i have yet to get any attention or any response from anyone which can address the dire state of the game for people who are considered (normal/casual) players…

its unfortunate… but they don’t really care… i stopped trying a while ago now.


Well one does not have to negate the other does it? Do games have to completely polar opposites, like BDO being a grindathon or wow in Shadowlands that is essentially an instance simulator?

Other MMOs like runescape or guild wars still retain the living world of optional solo/group content while also having high end competetive challenging group and solo content.

I don’t understand why it has to be either or. MoP, and Legion both had high end gameplay + optional solo content.


everyone has the right to enjoy the game in any way they choose. if they feel what they enjoy about the game is lacking it is only natural to want to bring that to the developers attention.

just like if raids were bad every raider on the planet would be knocking on blizzards front door right now.


I don’t understand either, but that’s just the world we are living in atm and i doubt acti-Blizz is ever going to change

Finding myself doing more now than ever to be honest, I don’t raid or run mythics, enjoying myself levelling and running Torghast.

In shore there is plenty to do, perhaps not to your liking thol


I mean you don’t want to partake in 95% of the game that’s available at max level and complain that there’s nothing to do. There is, you just don’t want to do it. If you feel that way feel free to unsub and come back once 9.1. rolls out.

And stop pulling numbers out of your behind.


I know this feeling.
My main is ilevel 200 and thats enough for me, just gonna hit renown 40 then im waiting til next patch with that character. Now my mission will be to get heritage armor for my allied races and i think its fun leveling them. Torghast and renown i wont be doing with alts ( have did it on one alt and main)

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Gold mode challange dungeond wasn’t super easy. Current m+15 is probably easier than WoD gold run. Timers were really strict and mobs were hard.

I dunno i think it’s a personal preference. A lot of people say CMs were a walk in the park once the best strat was figured out.

doing the same dungeons for 2 years of expansion is extremly boring . especially if they are doing 4 and more each week on each alt.

same with raids - people are already extremly bored with CN.


people who say it do so because they severly overgear m+ while they couldnt overgear chalenge modes . not only they overgear it but they play only with similairly overgeared people trivialising that content.

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I don’t really focus on what i am doing, but more what i’m doing it for.

No problem doing plaguefall 5 or more times in a row since i will eventually get the trinket.

But doing them for “No reason” that can be dull.

At least now we get valor at the end, which can be used to upgrade gear.

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Also support this thread. For casual player there is literally nothing to do. In PvP u need to w8 hours in LFG to play plus there is very hight entry threshold everyone need 4500+ exp guys all seasons since TBC. Plus no 1 wants to see non-META class, just no1. Same for PvE - especially raids.

It’s an open world game with an open world that has basically nothing to do. Most of the end game content is group content inside a locked area like raids, dungeons, arenas and bg’s. Which is a real shame. This is the first expansion where i am actively looking for more enjoyable mmorpg’s that provide open world content.


As posted above, I am what could be termed totally casual, don’t raid, only run the instances neeeded for levelling, and I have a load of stuff to do, levelling alt’s and setting myself targets to reach.

Again, there is plenty to do in the game, just not enough maybe for you, but to say there is nothing to do at all is very misleading and incorrect.

if you are casual, just play skirmishes/random BG. But it’s your choice to casually sit in LFG.