I would really like to see the developers introduce flex raids in Cata Classic. Since the loot and lockout already is the same it would be easy to implement. Our raid group is struggling to get 25mans going and we cant get even 2x10mans since we lack tanks for that. So we end up benching 5-7 players each reset because of this. If we would have flex, we could just go with how many players ever signs. 10mans are also much more difficult than 25mans because there isnt as much room for error.
Personally, I think no. And i don’t think flex would make it “easier” for you either.
Theres a sweetspot, or was in mop, for like 14 people. To get the most out of being more than 10. So you wouldn’t really get that much better result.
Think you’re better of just making 10mans if you can’t do 25.
Theres a guild on Pyrewood, that recruits everyday for multiple classes for their 25man aswell.
We’ve replaced quite a few people in our 10man, because people do not commit or just vanishes or leaves for another version of Wow. Show up & respect that you will be screwing over 9 other players if you don’t, without prior notice.
We had to stop raiding during ICC progress because a few people decided to don’t show up after Christmas, if we already had flex at the time we could have kept raiding even if we were 22/21 people in the raid.
I don’t like 10 men, is just a glorified dungeon group, sadly as the expansion progress, more guild will transition to be 10 men only has it happened year ago when Cata/Mop where the current expansions in retail.
But sadly the classic team has decided to use the 10 or 25 men only, so now my gameplay is only making gold to buy a carry to see the raid once, I don’t even want loot, just the kill as I did with HC LK.
You are missing the point. Ofcourse meta slaves would chase the “sweatspot” comp/size. But as a officer of a guild it is so sad to bench 5 to 6 people each week. It also hinders our hc progression since we have this rule where no one is benched 2 times in a row. We are in a recruitment hell where for every 2 new player we recruit, 2 will leave. We just want to raid with our whole guild at the same time…
Not even about meta slaves.
It would be the equivalent of going 20 or 22 people in a 25man run if you don’t do it.
I get your point & what you’re asking for. But you might need to either
A. Make a 2nd 10man. Maybe some of your guildies have alot of spare time & can raid in 2 raid groups.
B. Face the fact that you won’t fit them into a raid team & have them leave.
C. Keep pugging people to 25mans & recruiting.
I understand the want for all to raid together. But point A might just be your best option.
25man is hard to fill & it requires many times to stack certain classes for optimal damage. And sometimes the classes you want or need, are in high demand like Warlocks. We had a hell to find one for our 10man, thats just finding one.
Point A is currently what we are aiming for. Me myself leveling a blood DK and other officer leveling tank aswell. It’s just a pity since the difficulty between 10 and 25 man is noticeable.
What are you talking about? 10 mans are WAY easier than 25 mans, 10 mans basically feel like lfr, you can just zerg bosses down and ignore most mechanics because everything has so low hp.
Getting flex raids sounds nice and all, but its not something thats realistic to expect to happen yet.
Flex raiding was first introduced in the last content patch in MoP, and it was only for the Siege of Orgrimar raid, none of the earlier raids in MoP got the flex difficulty enabled.
Flex was also its completly seperate difficulty, placed between Raid finder and normal mode in both difficulty and loot quality, which means that its a pretty irrelevant content for anyone who want to clear the raids on the highest difficulty.
Not until WoD did we get flex raiding that worked for Normal and heroic mode raiding, but then Mythic mode got introduced that set a forced 20 man to do the highest difficulty content.
So basicly TLDR: Flex raiding in any of the versions troughout wows history will always be completly irrelevant for anyone raiding to clear the hardest content. (except as a means to run 20 split runs to gear up before Mythic raids open each tier)
I do agree, that its nice for players that are very casual, or as a means to gear up alts.
Blizzard would need to completly redesign every raid up until Siege of Orgrimmar, if they were to put in flex raiding right now, and considering they barely have developers enough working on cata to fix even the smallest of bugs, i can safely say, its not gonna happen.
Sounds like Normal.
Heroic is harder on 10man than 25.
One or 2 deaths and it’s GG. 25man can die far more times. And you have much more of each role besides tank to cover up deaths.
And you have muuuch more players to cover certain mechanics.
Like Nef pillars for example, you’ll have 3 interrupters on each platform, multiple healers on each. Kiting the adds is alot easier.
Omnitron interrupts aswell. Much more dps to slow down the adds & kill them. Same on Maloriak.
Pointless to argue about what size is the hardest, some bosses are harder on 10, others on 25. You got more tools on 25, but you also struggle a lot more on fights with limited space.
Pretty well known fact though, that Ragnaros in firelands, which is considered the hardest fight of cataclysm, is a lot easier tuned on 10man than on 25.
I havent done 25man for t11, but at least back in real cata, some fights where quite brutal on 10man.
Ye no way you are “ignoring” any mechanic in heroic. 1 death is all that is needed to cause a wipe in 10man. And if its healer there is no point to even BR since you resurrect with like 20% mana. 25man gives much more leeway in that case.
Just checked your logs. 1/13 hc kills. Please dont comment on topics you dont have any ground talking about…
I don’t think blizzard will put any more effort into cata classic from what I’ve seen. But flex raids would be a cool thing for all the casual guilds.
I still feel like classic is built for older, more relaxed players who want to relive their best time at wow (despite some people treat it like there could be “progress” on 15 year old content). So for this peer group with irregular work schedules and families flex raids would be absolutely awesome.
Due to to stuff like that, our guild has a raiding pool of about 14-15 players at the moment, not all of them can join every raid night. But when they all sign up, it hurts me as a raidleader to be forced to leave people behind.
But getting the balancing right requires effort so it won’t happen.
Well flex raids might be nice… but i would like to remind that highest raid difficulty never was flexible (hc during soo/mythic after that), and i doubt blizz will go for it for classic
You just have to find more likeminded people then. I´m sure there are plenty.
Every raiding guild has to sometimes bench people since it´s not a good idea to just have exactly 10 or 25 people in the raid group.
As per your flexraid. I´m not sure what it is, but i´m assuming a raid for less players?!. If so, then you can just go with 7-8 people into normal. With the exception of maybe nefarian, you will be able to kill everything on normal.
Also, your assumption is wrong. Flex raids were introduced in WOD and allowed groups everywhere between 10 and 25 people (so not lower than 10) and the fights would scale according to raidsize.
So it is not about going with 7 or 8 players, it is about going with 12, 14 or 17.
AH well. I didnt play anything after cata so I would not know. Thx for clearing that up.
But you probably wont have any luck with this. The classic team is severely understaffed and such improvements would probably take up too much capacities.
This sums up most people who argue about raiding. They clear 1 boss, which was most likely Halfus, the only one thats pretty much free. Then speak as if they’ve cleared everything and know it all. Halfus is identical on heroic & normal besides more drakes.
It’s the least increase in difficulty compared to all bosses.
I’ve done 8/13 hc myself and you cannot ignore mechanics. If you’re ignoring them, then your raid is doing them for you. Like interrupts on Cho’Gall, sure you can personally ignore them, but someone else has to do it.
25man also gives more people to deal with mechanics in general. Al’Akir is one i can see being alot harder than 10man, the spreading out.