Council of blood - 1 Kick to rules them all

So, i’ve seen a lot of people strugling with a macro to kick baroness & afterimage

so i used this one :
/target baroness
/target afterimage
/cast wind shear
/target baroness

first /Target will target baroness if you’re on add or if you don’t kill baroness first

second /Target will target afterimage, the fact is that if afterimage isn’t pop, you will not loose your current target

then you /cast your kick

/targetlasttarget will target … your last target. But if you were on baroness, it will untarget.

third and last target is to target baroness if she’s alive, since /Targetlasttarget will have untarget her.

this may be improve, but all macros i’ve found for that boss is only for afterimage and require a second bind to use your actual kick.

ps : if someone can answer to this guy since i don’t have access to us forum :frowning:


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