Countdown timers for cooldown

Hi I would like to see in the bottom corner of my screen all my cooldowns grouped together.

I want to have a place to see what ability is not available yet… and even more important see my adaptation when procced and is on cooldown.

All of that and much more can be done with an addon called “WeakAuras 2”.
You can also find premade auras for pretty much anything you might ever need (or not need) on a website called wago io (can’t post links yet, sorry)

hmm I tried it…

Too complex… really :frowning: I just want to see which abilities are not available yet and how many seconds they need until they will become available. In the bottom corner… since cooldowns on buttons confuse me how many abilities I have on cooldowns.

Any other suggestions?

I’ve heard in the past that TellMeWhen is easier to use than WeakAuras, however I never used it so I can’t say how accurate that is.
Skimming through the addons in the Buffs&Debuffs section on Twitch I also found NeedToKnow which seems like it could fit your needs.

If those two aren’t right for you either, I’ll have to leave you in the capable hands of the other fine folk of this forum since I’m out of ideas :slight_smile:

I’ve used both, and to be honest; they work fine. But in the end I swapped them for Weakauras, much more flexible.

Weakauras can be a pain to set up, although you can just look up a good package on just import what seems nice and be done with it.

Otherwise there are thousands of templates to choose from (new > from template …), don’t even have to set up anything yourself. Click what ability/buff/debuff/pvp-trinket you want to track, how you’d like to see it and drag it to a convenient place on your screen.

I think it’s worth getting used to, but that’s just me

Otherwise TellMeWhen and NeedToKnow may be worth looking into whether they’re a bit easier to use.


You could also get an addon like bartender or dominos to move your bars. If you want to see all your spells cds, might be easier than using weakauras.

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