Covenant Problem

Hello everyone,
after 4+ years non-playing I back to my best and loved game WoW :slight_smile: but I meet some problems on my way in Shadowlands. It is about covenants. I read a lot before, make standard research to progress up my all characters (a lot on many servers in both factions), but the one which I start is frost Mage. I started all like suggestions provide me with Venethyr covenant. After do a lot of this quest line, by mistake I switch in Oribos to Night Fae. How can I return and continue what I started?

I asked General Draven but all what I have is Prove Your Worth without any info what to so just - Return to me when you have completed task we set you. I don’t remember where I done, a lot in Maw and around. Hw can I switch to proper line.

When I going (beacuse there is non stop alert to take and talk about another quest) - talk with Polemarch Adrestes, all what he said do I accept with Night Fae and am I suro of that because I am already in another covenant. No way! Icon Covenant Sanctum telling me I am under Night Fae, so what is going on. Where and how I can prove this what Draven said. Gosh it’s really frustrated if something like this can happen in the game. After choose it sould be blocked to change into another, only after finish one, something like quest to decide - you want to stay or another. Why it is like this.

Please help how to back for it I dont remember but when it all happen I am in middle maybe, so what to do now? how can I see my progress in proving my worth?


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I don’t know how you switched to the wrong Covenant, obviously, but I can tell you there are two ways to switch Covenants back.

One is NOT to switch back until you reach Renown 80 with the Night Fae. When you reach Renown 80 with any Covenant, you can switch between any of them at will, just by talking to them. So it is viable to level up and do the Night Faer chain line, get to 80, then switch back for free. How long will Renown 80 take? It depends mostly how many dungeons and Torghast runs you do, since you get Renown from those, as well as from World Quest Callings and completing stages of quests in the Covenant Campaign. Maybe a month after hitting 60? if you’re just plodding along - though I’m sure it would be much faster if you spammed dungeon runs.

The other is to accept the quest Prove Your Worth from General Draven now, and fill the progress bar by doing dungeons and World Quests (and maybe bonus areas, since you aren’t 60 yet? I’m not sure if they’re available to you) in Revendreth until you have filled the bar. Then go back to Draven after a weekly reset (on Wednesday mornings) since you took the quest, and he will give you another quest exactly the same called Rebuild Our Trust. When you have finished that as well, and you turn it in, you will switch back to Venthyr.

Here is a guide laying out what I just said.

If that happened to me, I honestly don’t know which choice I would make. Covenant choice doesn’t make much performance difference until later in the game, when you are gearing up for higher content. Unless you are pushing at least Heroic raids and M+15 level, any of them will do. Here’s an evaluation

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Thank you very much for great description, finally pro advice :slight_smile:
I think about it to finish Night Fae now especially because it give me kind of tank in Maw (or something) with my mage. So maybe better is to finish it. I have already 60 - covenants cannot be started before - only here in forum system took my wrong character, don’t know how to change it. I am 60 and already in first LFR, heroics etc. :slight_smile:

I will check these tutorials too :slight_smile: thanks for links, you really help a lot so I am not worried now I can skip something :slight_smile:

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Ah, of course you already have a 60. Silly me!

Well, if you already have a 60, and you get it to Renown 80, you can use many catch-up mechanisms to speed your alts up. For example you can buy Renown 40 on any alt witrh the Broker Mark of Distinction from Au’Dara, located near the Flight Master in Oribos.

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