Covenants are ruining PvP

I personally disagree that covenants ruin pvp , specially for holy priest , ventyr, kyrian and nfae are all viable options, and what makes holy so strong is his lego and tier set. Holy priest was bad in s1 from example and it had very low representation as far as i remeber and mind games was stronger back then so for holy specificly its not the covenant for sure. Most of covenant abilities are very fun in my opinion and the problem for pvp was not covenant abilities but the grind and the limitations which you had in the previous seasons. Another problem is stacking power systems on top of each other which leads to more complications in terms of balanising in my opinion, and the biggest issue is the rare changes which blizzard are doing in terms of balance in my opinion, but the covenant abilities them selfs are not a problem at all in my opinion.

Holy priest was not bad in S1, people just slept on it because of prot and hpal. After all the hpala nerfs it was the most played healer in 2s and later also in 3s.

True maybe i didnt used the right words, i will reword my self, hpriest was not bad just, hpal , disc and rshaman were stronger and more played, specialy hpal. The point is that the covenants did not ruined pvp and do not make hpriest the most played healer atm in my opinion

Mm monk was bad in S1

Heavily disagree. Mindgames is one of the better new abilities they have introduced.

In fact, conduits and balancing aside, I think most covenant class abilities are fun, flavoursome and with potential of becoming iconic. They are also the reason why SL is better then BfA in borrowed power department. Most covenant abilities fit the classes.

On my MM, i love playing Necro, Venthyr and Kyrian almost equally, with Kyrian having the edge. Why? Because it is a good looking spell with unique effect which not only gives good burst, but for a brief period removes one of the greatest weaknesses of my spec.

Primordial wave is super fun for ele. To have it ticking on multiple targets and then turning into a proc machine, it just feels awesome.

I would argue that most covenant abilities feel good to press, and in the end, that should matter most.


Whats the issue with some few fun covenant abilities carrying over to next expansion? Like reprimand for rogues is great. As long as we aren’t getting whole covenants with conduits in DF but only some specific abilities it should be ok?

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But you can’t disagree with something that’s the truth. If there wasn’t truth to it we wouldn’t be seeing hotfixes randomly throughout the seasons to covenant abilities damage.

And I never said they ruin PvP, I said covenants are extremely strong. Unholy DKs entire damaging capabilities come from Abomination Limb. Assassination’s damage output with Sepsis/Shiv/Tier set is also complained a lot about even after the 50% nerf. And lets not forget about Warrior’s banner nerfs, that Ret Paladins relied a lot on in 3’s for ridiculous burst. I don’t know why you’re so hyper focused on just Priests, it was just an example. Covenants as a whole I’m talking about. Priests aren’t the only class in the game…

But saying some covenant abilities throughout Shadowlands haven’t caused serious problems simply is not true. You only have to go to Reddit/WoW forums to see the patterned complaints about them.

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Me - i disagree that covenants ruined pvp;

You - you cant disagree with the truth. I never said that covenants ruined pvp.

I dont understand you man. Nobody is saying that covenant abilities are not strong, they are and they fit the classes very well. I said that i disagree with the statement that covenants ruined pvp, they did not, the grind , the limitations and the lack of attention from blizzard did.

I never said there werent problems. There were because blizzard was too slow with their balancing , and they were warned by the community that there will be balance issues with this systems back in SL alpha.
Also do you remember how much time it took them to fix mind control bug back is s1?
Covenants was a good idea with poor execution in my opinion.

so you now decide whats true and what not?

we see hotfixxes to non covenant abilities, pvp talents or conduits all the time too?
These covenant abilities are designed on purpose to feel impactful. They are designed to be the center of the spec. Sometimes they are overtuned and getting fixed sooner or later but the most important thing is that they are fun and many are really fun designed.

Mindgames, kyrian boon, spear of bastion, primordal wave etc. there are alot of fun abilities.

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Which I’m not disagreeing with. Some of the covenant abilities are being put into the talent trees in DF. I love a lot of them. The concept of Mind games, Convoke, and many other’s fit classes themes perfectly. But that doesn’t dismiss from the fact they’ve been extremely unbalanced, and caused a lot of problems throughout Shadowlands.

Which has been my point from my very first post in this thread, and you disagreed with. When Moonkins were popping out of stealth with immunity trinket convoke and killing you before you SLT ticks. Same goes for a lot of other covenant abilities. Decimation bolt + demon bolt 1 tapping.

I don’t know what your idea of fun is, but being on the receiving end of stuff like that is not fun.

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I disagreed that the covenants are ruining pvp, becuase blizzard is responsible to balance them. My point is the abilities are good and fun and they fit the classes but blizzard failed to balance them properly or it took too long. Now they look better than it was back in s1. Also what reflected negative on pvp was the grind of legos, conduits gear etc. So in summary i dont blade the abilities but the lack of attention to pvp by blizzard.

I understand you and agree, the balance and the grind was the reason i left in s1 and i came back to the game 3 weeks ago. Just as i said the problem in my opinion was not the abilities them selfs but blizzard.

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