Crafter name


I am very sad to see from this patch my name is no longer all over mine or my guildies gear I made them.

Please give us back our walking advertisements ):

~ Sad Scalie

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Totally agree, part of the joy of crafting was seeing my characters carrying around stuff they had made for each other, now you can’t tell who made it or even tell crafted gear apart from any other gear. It’s happened before due to server merges, but this time even the gear a character made for themselves has been blanked. I’m hoping it’s a bug and will be restored soon.

That’s a real shame, didn’t even realise names had gone. Had a few people want me as their smith because they like the name!

Yeah I always tried to craft rank 5 gear, even from public orders, even with a gold loss for myself just to make sure my name would be on the best gear out there. Now it’s kind of moot tbh.

I’m not sure when it happened but Made by nametags seem to be back! :smiley:

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:heart::heart::heart: thank goodness!!

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