Crafting chains quality and their further impact

Hello everyone!
Today I’ve met one strange thing that I’ve found an answer here so now I know that recrafting have some memory for older crafts, but here is another question I didn’t find an answer for.
Imagine some reagent for some piece of gear. There are 2 stacks of reagents for that, all of them are q2, but first one made from q1 mats and second from q2 mats. Does it have an impact on piece of gear crafting skill calculations?

Not sure if i understand you but if you are crafting something with reagents of mixed quality, for example if it takes 2 blasphemite ores, one ore is q1 and the other is q2 it will impact how much skill and therefor the resulting quality of the crafted item.

Have all crafting professions.
If you talking about post in NA, its from DF got it yew times but didn’t understand why
In TWW someone did explain to me why, most ppl don’t know about as it isn’t mention anywhere
In Short better use R3 mats for crafts
if you got same problem, best solution is to do 2 recraft with max mats works for me but in 2nd recraft still need to use concertation

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