Crafting order and the profession system needs a change

Dude… Staph…

I got that many points without abuse. Just do your weekly quests and loot drops. Visit the master and get the unique for your prof. Craft all first time stuff. Buy the artisan books and get the rep points. That’s all.

It’s no witchcraft

Just stop…

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I think it is better for your own mental health to stop discussing this with him. He mostly just comments how awesome he is and everyone else is doing it wrong without him actually helping fellow players to understand the system.

Ah yes. There it is. The “if you are out of arguments, attack the person” comment. Sure as an amen in the church.

Are you sure you want to side with someone that called everyone not agreeing with him, dumb?

Someone captured it before he could delete it.

What the hell im not trying to be better then anyone. You guys are just misunderstanding what im saying.

I dont want to disrespect anyone, i just made a topic here where i wanted to help improve the system so i benefits everyone and give them reasons why it should be improved.

It was supposed to be a review for developers to read. But im also getting very confused here on why people are so negative and trying to answer for that. also my english is not perfect.

And about the knowledge points, ive done the same on my blacksmith but i only have 120-130 knowledge points. I guess youre more lucky then me then because for me i think its very hard to get them…

This IQ thing was just supposed to make you open your minds because of your misunderstanding, i think you guys took it seriously personal. It was rude sorry about that. I never thought i could get everything asap. So thats why i sayd it.

You guys just probably never read the whole topic and just assumed i was one of those who wants everything asap and trying to make difficulities easier. It was never about that.
The point is the crafter should aswell benefit like those who are making Crafting Orders.
Like some kind of a discount or something

And about the 421 gear ofcourse you should
be able to craft that ilvl if your going into the game working on your profession every week every month for 1 year. Its taking much more time then getting the gear in mythics and raids.
Just think about it without the negativity

OMG you guys just took my topic and trashed it without even knowing the meaning of it and not even reading what it was about.

I never talked about getting BiS asap
I never talked about getting OP
I never talked about making knowledge points easier and i never wanted a competition
And i never talked about any of the things you assumed i was talking about…
It was you guys who were talking about me like i am stupid to begin with and you that started trashing.

Im not gona waste more time on idiots

No one is attacking anyone. You look at any single one of the guys comments and none of them actually help OP to understand anything better.

Leatherworker perspective here, an hopefully helping to understand the system:
you “need” 150 knowledge point to basically craft everyting 418 for yourself.

How? 30+30 Leatherworking discipline + inspiration and 90 in the 3 30 nodes in leather armor. If you have an eye on the flame hat, another 10 points in primordial.

How, use the power of inspiration, if you only want to craft stuff for yourself, you shouldn’t care if you need 3-4 recrafts to get there, a 101 inspiration weapon with 40 inspiration enchant should net you 35+% chance.

This should get you to 405 items even with 75 base-skill, for 418 items you might want some more base skill (this could get expansive with recrafts if you strictly don’t want to craft gear for others or second chars).

Is there an advantage to craft gear? No, not really. But it is also not as much of an effort to get there.

There are plenty off guides out there.
Multiple ppl here told him he is overreacting or wrong, a quick google into a “WoW DF Blacksmithing armor guide” was sufficient.

We also all know how easy it is for gear too be crafted, as most off us use 3-4 Spark items already.

We tried to explain if they were craftable, it would Not take multiple “years” (as he claims) but only a matter off a few months before bieing BiS geared without ever having to even touch content.

At this point if he still doesn’t understand (or wants to understand) he just wants to be BiS by logging in once every two weeks.

As an enchanter, I have bought most of the enchants I use from the AH and most of the ones I have made are sitting on bank alts and they are worth approximately vendor value. Doesn’t feel great.

Tailoring feels better. It wasn’t too expensive to skill up to 100 and you get more cloth loot and can extract primals from cloth. I also crafted shoulders for myself and while they aren’t top quality, I’m fine with them and can recraft them later. Can’t recraft enchants, unfortunately, so getting unlucky on an enchant is a lot more expensive than getting unlucky on a tailoring craft.

I think enchanting your own items or crafting soulbound gear for yourself could have some skill bonus. I’m tempted to say inspiration bonus, but when enchanting, I don’t think it makes any sense anymore to enchant directly on gear. You enchant a vellum and if you like the result, you use it, but otherwise you sell it or put it away and obviously the “I’m making this for myself” bonus could not apply to vellums.

Peope are negative to your post cos like first time since forever for this game crafting is actualy good and usefull for more then just consumables and leveling gear or persks only like in WOTLK or beeing class mandatory like TBC version

Shure Craftink have some issues but overal it is super profitable and gear from crafting is super good and compare to other expansions it is in it best stat ever

I have read you post and all i can tell is that you ether dont understand how this system works or we are plaing 2 diffrent games

It is totally useless to do blacksmithing or any other profession in Zandalar the items are so low lvl and your lvl cant wear anything you make

When I check the public crafting orders on my blacksmith main char, there are always a big nothing. I am not saying it doesn’t work for others on other realms, but on Arathor, there are nothing. And yes I have read the guides, everyone ends with using the craftin order system.

In my opinion (I reserve the right for errors) the main problem that they washed quantity and quality levelling together. In almost every older expansions first you levelled up your profession to the given max level, then you could or would focus on high level engame itemcrafting. Even in Shadowlands levelling your base profession and levelling up the legendary base items were separate. People who just wanted to level up their profession casually were happy, people who wanted to best quality levelling up of their profession were also happy (maybe tired from the insane amount of material and gold farming, but happy with the end results, I guess). Why can’t we have the part from the old version that actually worked in the new reformed one?

With my personal opinion I am not trying to attack personally anybody, if you get offended because my opinion differs from yours, or I have critical thoughts on a subject you agree with, it’s not my fault or problem.

So true! I also expected that crafting would benefit me, but you can only make gear that is worthless to yourself (and i do not find any buyers at all at the auction house, except the demolishers…); so i am really wondering if i am not in the wrong game here

I am with you on this, Wolfreaper! I restarted playing a few month ago after 12 years od non-playing and made seven characters to cover all professions, thinking i would benefit from that. No way, Jose! It only costs me lots of gold (i am really very low on gold, can not even afford the latest recipes) and the items i make are worth absolutely nothing on the auction house; and they are too low evek to use myself

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