Crafting order and the profession system needs a change

I hadnt played this game for 11 years since panda expansion, I started playing it again now because of the new expansion Dragonflight. I like the game ive never got so addicted playing games like this one, but 1 thing that is dissappointing me alot, is the crafting system and the crafting order system is not what i expected it to be when i started leveling up my professions. First it got me excited but now after 2 months of leveling up profession im startng to find the whole concept.

Non profitable and useless.

I expected that i could craft highest item level weapons and armor like mythic quality 421-424 for my self and my alts easily and i expected that i could craft for other people and make a profit but now i can see that making profit from professions is very difficult atleast for the high item level items and you cant realy craft the highest item level gear. this public crafting order system and crafting system is not designed to make gold or benefit for the crafter them selfes. its to much designed to help other people get the best gear as fast as possible at crafters cost. you get 5 spark of ingenuanity by completing 5 quests and after that you can just get high quality items as easy as ordering a pizza. But leveling up a crafting profession and the cost and the time and work of leveling it up is nothing compared to that so basicly leveling up a crafting profession is just waste of gold and time because you can just go to crafting orders and send a order to a random person and get what you want asap.
You maby dont get the best quality unless you know a crafter but still you can get high level items like 1-2-3, maby not best but still good.

The cost of the mats and work and time of leveling up the profession is like 100x higher then ordering and get from the Public Crafting Order and make someone else craft it for you and even more time consuming then getting best gear in mythics and raids and also people who order they just put a small comission like 50-100-1000gold wich is nothing compared to how much time and work a crafter just spent on leveling up the profession and every crafter on the crafting order system just craft it for that people even the comission is low because they know that this order is not going to wait there and they know that if they dont craft asap someone else will. At the moment you actualy get more gold for crafting items that everyone can craft in beginning of leveling up a profession then you will ever get from crafting epic items.

We crafters need a advertising system, the ingame trade system is horrible its like looking on infinity spam by a robot and you have to look for exactly what you want in all that spam and i didnt even know this was the trade advertising until i played the game for 2 weeks i completely ignored this because my only thought was like wow players must be spamming here everydays in the city, there was nothing in the gameplay that told me about this system. its ridicilous to have it on the chat, people hate spam, people who spend time, work and gold on leveling up a profession should also be rewarded like the people who play mythics all day or raids, they should be able to craft things without spark of ingenuanity for themselves and alts but restricted on doing so for other players and it should only be available if a specific specilization has been maximized for an example lvl 30 on longblades in blacksmithing. Leveling up a profession and the time and cost of getting mats and all that its very time consuming and not worth it while people are buying mining pickaxes sometimes for 1000-5000 gold in auctionhouse while people get elemental lariat and epic items for 50-100 gold commision in the crafting order.
It makes no sense to be a crafter when things are like this. And also you get bonus skill knowledge points for crafting in the crafting order system i think its a cheat for some people to level up their profession because guys like me that have never seen a order in the crafting system they fall behind and need to waste time and mats on leveling it up by themselves.

If i make a Alt i can just level up to 70 and then finish 4-5 quests get all the spark of ingenuanity and then make people craft what i want and then just go to mythics and get some primal infusion and recraft basicly get all the best gear asap but crafters they need to wait every week for small knowledge points and gather and work alot for the mats and even make other characters to get spark of ingenunity only to waste in leveling up the main character profession because they are not lucky and getting orders in the Crafting order and getting free first time bonus and in the end they still need spark of ingenuanity and also need to farm primal infusion. Its unfair… Crafters are working so hard to get what they want for them selfes only to find out they couldve just made someone else craft for them and they also need to level up in mythics and top of that they also need spark of ingenuanity like non crafting players. thats why people should be able to craft epic items for them selfes without spark of ingenuanity.

This is probably going to make people want to quit playing the game, i my self have been thinking about quit playing because i wasted 2 months everyday playing to level up professions and reputations for knowledge points, leveling up professions is not easy and getting the knowledge points is difficult and ive been killing mobs and farming chests, scout bags and dirt for knowledge points while other people just had fun playing mythics and raids and have 421 ilvl gear and im not even ilvl 400 and ive just recently started playing mythics.
In real life i like making money and i like buissness. I thought i was going to get the best gear for all that work and i would be rich in gold in the game for future content by doing that and go into mythics with that best gear.
i just now recently started playing mythics and i just realized, what the hell was i doing wasting time on leveling up a profession and these reputations when i couldve just played mythics on many diffrent alts that time and get the best gear for them all there and from vault.

I like the crafting order system, i like the droprate and the difficulty of getting knowledge points and i like the idea but they are to focused on making other non crafting players happy and that is ruining the whole point and concept of wanting to be a crafter.

People dont want to waste time on leveling up crafting profession to make other people happy for 100gold :joy: i mean to craft a whole gear fully maximized in all specilizations to ilvl 418 its gona take a year to get all the knowledge points. Thats alot of time, Crafters should be getting payd high amounts of gold for their work there should be a stable price not random people making the prices and why cant we just craft the items without spark of ingenuanity for our selfes and our alts in this long commitment.

People should also have the option for minimum quality for public orders.

The profession system is very poorly thought out…

This is a review and ideas for the professions system and the developers.


Seems to me you want all of it, be rich, have best gear in all slots in 1 week and have all the customers for you. Well, there is competitor crafters here and you just didnt dominate market good enough.
Grind, RNG and timegating just have to exist in game like this or it will be over too soon until new tier.

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Somehow I menaged to read this wall of text and simplest way i can say it is that You totaly dont get it

Craftink , especialy Gear craftink is probably in its best spot since forever , but yes consumables craftink saw it better days

If you know what you are doing you can make millions from craftink , and you supoust to get gold from Private Order not Publick

Becous ther is no drowback no limitation on Crafters lack of good in game advertaisment actualy is a positive think , with super optimised ingame advertisment 1 crafter is enought to satisvie demand of entire server

Lack of Min Qualty in publick order alsow works is positive for crafters , it force people to use private orders where crafter is in control of price

Craftink is great its extremly profitable IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING , and it is in best state ever for this game

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Maybe elaborate and help fellow players out? Comments like this don’t help anyone. It’s like saying “Stop being homeless, just buy a house”

The “new” profession system is badly designed like every other expansion sales point. Blizzard failed to deliver on all their sales points for expansions since WoD. Garrisons, legion artifacts, island expeditions, covenant and now professions. All promoted with glitter and glamour only to be left disappointed. The filler content however was well recieved compared to the promoted release material. Mage tower, tanaan, timeless isle, etc.

They first of need to remove rank ups from the crafting materials. Let players upgrade it themselves with honor/valor points after it has been crafted.

Reduce the insane amount of mats needed.

Either change or completely remove the work order system, it’s garbage. Public orders don’t exist. Your only option is to stand in Valdrakken 24/7 spamming trade and hope someone bites.

Make the spec points to be able to be reset.

Add a better explenation to deftness, perception and finesse. Escpecially here in the eu where allot of players are not native English speakers.

Increase the amount of points gained for specs or drop the amount needed. (i have no proof but i do believe the drops are locked into a certain amount per week.)


how about no… for everythink you wrote

You expected to make yourself full BiS items.

Why did you expect this?
This is not how videgames work…

Didn’t read the rest as it didn’t matter anymore after that comment…

Insert “Bugs Bunny No” meme

Why would anyone disagreeing have low IQ? Ever thought people might be right and you wrong?
In your proposition, you would just go buy wow tokens and buy mats, put orders and bam, full 418 bis with perfect stats in one hour. You were saying something about IQ?

Man you realy think leveling up a profession is gona take less time to get 421 gear then doing raids? Ofc with that kind of commitment you expect to get your self the best gear.
It maby takes you 1-2 month to get BiS in mythics, raids and the vault.
It takes you year or more to fully level up a profession. Ofc you should then be able to craft 421 gear…

you are so wrong on so meny difrent levels that i dont even know where to start to correct you

Insert “Bugs Bunny No” meme

Allright guys, im not going to comment or argue with anyone here.
This is just what i think it is…
It was supposed to be for the developers to read…

The day you guys have the 421 gear from mythics and raids and still havent got everything upgraded in Specilization tree on your profession is the day you guys are going to think about what i just wrote here and how right i was.

Have a nice day guys.


You wanted to have a lot of yes men agreeing with you, didnt you?

Honestly I have 2 very decked out proffessions bieing Alchemy and Tailoring. I can create 418 ilvl items for my guildies if they present me with the Primal infusion.
It took me about 2 weeks to obtain the crafting skills to acquire this.

It took me about 8 weeks to acquire the gear I am using currently, as you can see, not a single 418 item.

Your argument makes zero sense.

Leatherworking has 4 tabs of specilization, you probably need like 400-500 knowledge points to fully maximize it.

You get maby 60-80 for free. If youve played every week since release you maby have 100-120.

You get 40 for weekly quests every month so do the math its gona take a year…

You don’t need ALL points in ALL categories to make ilvl 418 items though.
It is 8 subsections, one for each gearpiece, shoulders/head/legs/…

I have nearly 300 knowledge as of yet in inscription… where do you get this numbers? The lottery?

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But im not saying they should change difficulities. Im just saying the reasons why i think crafters should not need spark if ingenuanity to craft for them selfes.

The system is thought out to benefit for players who dont like crafting them selfes and want best craftable gear without touching professions. But there is no benefit in being a crafter… because you can just order someone else to craft it for you.

You dont get it guys.
Im nowhere saying that i want gear asap
Im nowhere saying that people should be getting all knowledge points for free
Im just saying crafters should benefit more from crafting than they do, because why be a crafter if you can just make someone else craft it ?

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to make money ? made around 2 mln on LW since begining of expansion so its kinda works for me

alsow you shoud cheak you math befour you start arguing , you need 750 to Max out everythink in LW , but you only need around 290 if you only wona be crafting for your self

Personlay i got 264/750 in LW with 0 abiuses and around 40 points left from First crafts and Reputation befour only think left is weekly quest and shards

All i get from Reading you post is that You are using this system totaly incorectly

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Not everyone was lucky and got so many knowledge points before the nerf.

But yeah i might be doing something wrong your probably right.

But still they need to do this system more profitable and so it benefits all types of crafters. Like making a tab in the auction house where you can place a crafting order or even have a Auctions for crafters where crafters can advertise their crafting abilitys.
And also maby give crafters the chance of crafting without spark of ingenuanity if they fully maximized something.

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