Crafting order reverted?

So I thought I give crafting order a go.

I bought all the best mats for a gem and put it on the crafting order table giving a note to those who looks at it not to craft unless they can ensure they max it.
Gave a fee of 5 k gold.

That was all the gold I had and hoped a nice person would help me out.

Along came mooli from grim batol and crafted a silver gem for me. So now my 10 k gold for fee and mats became worth 1 gold for vendor.

Is there a way to revert this when crafter is ruining your experience?
Can I revert it in any way?

Nope, you ask a crafter in chat or good luck with public! Most of the public ones I see tip 100s, were in trade when people want a proper rank and talk, thousands… so yeah. Ask a crafter. That being said they can still not craft it too

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“That being said they can still not craft it too”

Yea I put it in note dont craft if u cant max but mooli still crafted it.

Yeah but the note doesn’t stop anyone doing it anyway …

Sadly there are 2 issues:

  1. Moste orders don’t contain a message, so most crafters do not even read the message (because they don’t look in that direction).
  2. You trusted all eligible crafters to not take the money and run. There might have been a few who skipped it, but one who takes the order no matter what is enough.

I’m sorry you had this issue, but a note is no fixed requirement like you can set in private or guild orders.

cant assume people dont read, that is why the note is there is it not ?

It is. And I personaly passed on orders based on the note.
But not everybody does and even if they do you should not expect a mostly anonnymous player to pass on 5k free gold.
As I said - one bad apple is enough to spoil it for you in this case.

well personally I am never using the system again. not getting an epic gem this expansion it seems

This is sad.
I hope you come across a nice jewelcrafter, you can put on your friends list to request crafts in the future.
Good luck for your future and I hope you still have fun playing WoW.

Only way to guarantee rank 3 epic gem is by using illustrious insigh which is worth 15-20k gold. U should use rank 2 illimited diamond as chance for r3 epic gem is same with r2 and r3 diamond.

my advice would be if you’re going to give massive tips do not use the public work order system because you cannot demand quality, some guy is just gonna see it and complete it for his weekly work order quest while also walking away with 10k gold.

Stick to guild or personal work orders, you can actually set a requirement on the work order itself for minimal quality, which means that if the crafter cannot make that quality, they cannot complete the work order. These two types of work orders just work perfectly; the q5 ilvl 405 lariat I’m wearing is a result of personal work orders where I was able to set the minimal quality to 5.

Public work orders are not the way to go if you’re after high quality crafts and lets be real you’re hardly ever in the market for low quality crafts. The system works, just not the public sector of it.

I am just going to ignore the system all together :slight_smile:

What is wrong with silver gem, why would it be worth 1g ttash? It is not the best, true, but it certainly works better than no gem at all.

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