Crafting Order System is Flawed

I am not good at writing posts so let me go straight to my points:

  1. Having so many BoP items only available at the crafting order is BAD design.

  2. Crafters need more items that can be sold on the AH, or both at AH and Crafting Orders (such as engi pets). Revert blue quality BoP items such as prof. tools to BoE and let us post them on the AH for our own fee.

  3. 99.9% of the time I check if there is a crafting order to fulfill, there is none.

  4. This system favours ppl who can sit in front of the table 24/7.

  5. It’s very hard to skill up unless you fulfill crafting orders —> ppl are willing to work even for a 1g fee

  6. Ppl can decide their own fee, so even if you manage to find an order to fulfill for an expensive and rare recipe you still get paid almost nothing.

  7. It makes some Specializations useless, because instead of speccing into it myself and craft me the item I can create an order for it at an extremely low fee.

The idea itself is very good imo, but the implementation is terrible at the moment.
I don’t blame it on Blizzard, because no one knows until the system goes live.
I like the system especially for epic BiS items, but I think there should be a fixed or minimum fee to reward the crafters who spend money on certain rare recipes or farmed Renown/Knowledge.


Cannot find the Edit button.
Adding to the things mentioned above:
In point 2) I meant engi toys, not pets.

Kudos to Blizzard for creating this complex system which works in synergy with the new profession revamps. Imo there are some issues to fix, but the idea is great.
Also, with the Crafting Orders + Specialization systems there is much more social interaction than before which is another great achievement for Blizzard.

Adding past-expansion items to the system would revive the economy for old content’s mats and recipes, as well as opening new transmog options.

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Using Bullet points makes your post clear and easy to read.

Therefore you ARE good at writing posts.

Disagree. The system favours people who put the work into finding orders. Whether that is through spamming Trade Chat or answer peoples requests in trade chat.

Overtime I have built up a community of people who come to me for their crafts.

Why has this worked? Because I have put the time and work into it. I haven’t camped the table.

This is an unfortunate case for many professions. I am stuck with Leatherworking at the moment because of this.

I can’t really remember how I levelled Tailoring as it was early in the expansion.

This really needs addressing by Blizzard.

I used to offer a “Decide your own fee” service. As I felt what some people were asking was unfair to most players.

Some people would pay 20k for a basic craft, and then others would try to pay 250g for a 418 embellished item from a super rare recipe. Overtime I saw more and more of the later.

Tbh, 250g isn’t worth my time clicking craft.

I have now standardised my fees: Profession Tools and ilvl 392 items: 5k, 405/418 10k, Embellished items 13k. Recrafts to hit Rank 5 are free with buyers materials. Use of an insight to guarantee Rank 5 is an extra 10k.

I will always advise players of the cheapest option for them. i.e. Buying Rank 2 or 3 mats.

At the weekend, I still see a few cheapo’s complaining about the prices. But they have a choice, keep looking or go without.

It’s not fair that I paid 150k for a recipe, and they only pay 250g for their craft.

Make alts with spark useful to overcome that problem.

Yes, I have been tempted with this. I just worry that I might decide to play those alts in the future and those sparks will be missed…
The likelihood is that I probably won’t play those alts ;).

It’s also worth noting you don’t need to be 70 to get the 5 sparks, I tested this.

It’s actually good design.
Having all those item BoE makes the game pay2win.
Having them BoP without crafting orders means that you must learn and level the profession to use the item.

With crafting orders you can use a weapon crafted by a blacksmith without learning blacksmithing. You still need to provide the spark, primal infusion and primal chaos required, so you can’t just buy these for gold.

No we don’t. Those items end up being cheaper than the materials used to craft them. This is the first expansion where professions feel worthwhile.

  • Leave the trade (services) channel or have it in a separate chat window to avoid the boosts sales spam.
  • Have trade channel in a separate window.
  • Use an addon to filter unneeded trade channel spams. I personally use global ignore list.
  • Spend 5-10 minutes monitoring trade chat. Look for a player that wants an item that you can craft. Whisper that player and negotiate a deal.

No need to spend 24/7 at the table. Don’t rely on public orders.

Most professions have some recipe that doesn’t need orders. You also get 5 free sparks for every alt you level to 60. You can have your alts send you crafting orders.

Once you are at around 80 skill and enough knowledge points, you would be able craft rank 5 items and can start to make profit.

Someone had to specialize in that tree to craft the order for you, right?
So the correct way to say it is “It makes some specializations not mandatory for everyone”.

Of course it’s easier to have someone craft the item for you. But the purpose of professions is not to just craft items for yourself (people used to treat it like that in some past expansions) . The purpose is to craft items for other people and make gold.

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Personally, I think it’s a poor system. Crafting feels like it grinds to a halt at 50. I’m glad they overhauled it and the system itself is ok, but the crafting orders thing is a big no no for me. For one I should be able to use my own mats to give my own alts gear without bouncing mats around and then having to create and order for my own alt, bleh, too bloated. It’s a shame that crafted items don’t really mean something. Also feels a lack of recipe drops? Or maybe Im just unlucky.

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The public orders would be better with perhaps more than 4 available, especially as they bug out still and you use one order and it takes 2-3 off you!

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