Crafting orders need an update

NPC order should take into consideration price on AH and according to that reward you so if you are puting materials into that by yourself you not going to get 75 g…
if a null stone or whatever its called on AH has a price 3500 g it’s idiotic that npc give you 75 and gives you no materials :smiley:

there is no reward to patreon orders currently. In fact they feel more like a middle finger than the “scammer” orders in DF

maybe this is the source of the problem then, we need easier access to knowledge anyway

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Yes obviously I meant the system, not the actual number for reward. Patreon orders are just for leveling profs. If players made these orders they’d have to be profitable so anyone crafts them.

people sell mythic boes

The problem isn’t that patreon orders are the primary source of knowledge points, the problem is: The crafter has to provide the mats (often quite expensive/hard to get mats), there’s a quality requirement that may very well be impossible to reach (you can’t go down in quality afaik, and concentration only lets you craft the next level quality), the order is for something you don’t know (you didn’t put knowledge here, you’re not high enough skill level to buy the recipie, it’s probably an rng drop from somewhere)

Now, in DF it used to be a crafter could look at the crafting orders and go “nope, not good enough, rando” and go farm their knowledge points elsewhere (and get an alt or a guildie to make a workorder for the weekly quest), but in TWW basically every patreon order they can’t (or won’t) fullfill is a disadvantage for the crafter- even if the goal is nothing more than just leveling your profession

Yeah and how many have you bought so far?

And also they are not cross-realm, which is very disappointing.

I don’t need a crafting order to be “profitable”, but I do need it to not be a loss.

I didn’t understand in DF and I don’t understand now, why you can make a crafting order and not have to provide the materials. People were outraged in DF bc others made orders for low amounts of golds and no materials (I get that, but also I think people should look at the screen before pressing accept), Blizzard responded by making things yellow and having the crafter click “accept” several times before doing anything, and now Blizzard goes and pulls this BS on us, except this time we kinda have to just take it if we want to be able to do something with our professions before the next expansion hits

Because different crafters have different skills. Someone with max skills might get you adequate quality with lower mats. This is why some mats would have to be a lot more expensive for people to be willing to make this kind of tradeoff.

At the end of the day if people make bogus orders that are virtually scams, nobody would do them. The only reason public orders have failed so far is because you can’t specify the quality.

That’s the argument for making it possible to require a certain quality - which yes, should absolutely be a thing - but that should not mean that the one placing the order shouldn’t be required to provide the mats needed.

And you’re right, except apparently people did do them, and now we even have to click “yes” and “accept” and “I’m aware I have to use my own mats” on personal orders between alts a gazillion times, so again: just make providing all mats a requirement to place a public crafting order, and also let the one ordering specify the quality, that way nobody gets cheated, because the crafter won’t have to use their own mats, and the orderer can’t get lower quality than they specified
Personal and guild orders can be without the mats requirement but still with the one placing the order being able to specify quality

Frankly this doesn’t matter. Since I installed auctionator it gives me a perfect estimate of the cost of crafting with the materials I’ve chosen and even tells me the profit based on current AH prices (for flasks for example).
Ofc one could make the argument that “this shouldn’t require an addon”, but I don’t see this as a huge deal one way or another.

It should be irrelevant, since the only thing you (as the crafter) should worry about is whether or not you
a) can craft the thing
b) can craft the thing at the desired quality
but I’m not here to say you can’t use an addon that makes life easier, I’m all for that

Sure they can EASILY do that considering Patron orders work exactly like that where you can’t submit the order until it’s the requested quality. :neutral_face:

No way in hell am I risking 300 Acquities for a 1* item for someone leveling up their profession to use it on.

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