Trying to build a alchemist recently, but finds it has been very slow to catch up.
Apart from the weeklies like taking crafting order, completing profession quests, looting the dirt etc. Everyday when I log into the alchemist alt, there are only around 3 patron orders awarding knowledge points (some receipes are not do-able as they have not been acquired yet). In order to be a phial-expert alchemist, it needs like around 200 knowledge points. At current pace it will take like 1-1.5 months to be able to do the job. This catching mechanism is way too slow comparing to mining and herb gathering where they can catch up in one to two days.
If you are behind on profession knowledge, doesn’t the game increase the chance of knowledge-items dropping from overworld treasures like Disturbed Earth, Lost Satchels and the likes of that?
No, it doesn’t. Or, rather, it does, but only for gathering professions and their profession nodes (so you get catchup items for Mining/Herbs/Skinning). You can indeed spend maybe 6 to 8 hours farming and catch up from zero to cap for gathering profs.
For crafting professions, you get 0 to 3 catchup trade orders every day, with them appearing more often and in higher numbers inversely proportional to how close you are to cap. Therefore, even if you are getting 3 catchups per day, but you are 200 to 300 points behind (as you would be if you started crafting today), you’d need several months to get relatively close to cap (I am currently maybe 20 points behind on my Blacksmithing, because I get maybe one catchup point per 5 days, and sometimes it’s a very expensive recipe that doesn’t feel worth it).