Crafting profession sugestion/question

Would it be possible to modify the tooltip of each material and add something along the lines of :

“Provides x skill per unit in profession recipes”

And while on this topic , does anyone know if maybe there is an addon that can do this ( tell you exactly what rank mats you need to reach a certain skill on recipes ) ?

I find Craftsim pretty useful for checking out this sort of thing.

It lets you check what effect different rank materials and additional materials make to your craft.

It also takes into account Inspiration and resourcefulness. I use it all the time when I’m crafting.

Thanks for that , it is exactly what I was looking for .

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Enjoy :smiley: /10

The problem is that the amount of skill provided by a material differs from one recipe to another.

As Billyblue suggested, CraftSim is a great addon. I highly recommend it.

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