Crashing upon timerunner login

When I login to the game on my timerunner my game is freezing completely and then eventually crashing.

This is only happening on my timerunner character.

I have tried with and without addons, no difference.

This is only happening as of yesterday. IS there a known issue here? What else can I try?

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Same with mine, great isn’t it.

Only happens to one of my timerunners too.

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Bump this, please fix.

Mine too. Worked 12 hours ago. Now it just freezes. Got to use task manager to shut game down. Made 2nd timerunner, so far no issues with loading in

I’ve been getting this too, for me disabling addons does work though. I load the game without them, then enable them, then reload the interface. Once I’m in once it seems to be OK.

Happening to my “normal” characters now. Fix please.

i had this for the last couple of days guildie told me to disable mogit addon and it fixed it


Seems to be a transmog related issue. BetterWardrobe was also causing crashes, but it’s been updated now and seems to have fixed it for me. EDIT: I take that back… Problem still persists. It’s very odd. Game crashes on first login. So, I login in again with zero addons enabled, which is OK, then immediately enable all addons and reload, and it’s fine.

EDIT AGAIN: Might be a conflict with WoWThing Collector. We’ll see. Game doesn’t seem to like loading both at the same time.

This was just happening to my TW toons. I did a DNS flush and got got straight back in.

I have the same problem with one of my timerunner characters (Franie), I was playing with her yesterday, then I left a raid, and since then the character froze. (not the whole game, just this one piece of character)
All other characters work perfectly, timerunner and all.
Since then I have tried every repair option. I deleted the add-ons, restarted the game with default settings, deleted the game and installed it, but nothing fixed the problem.
It would be time to correct this error along with the others.