Create a book near Profession Trainer that list all connected Profession Player


In the game Dofus Touch (game on smartphone) the system they done for calling a client and a profession is the client can go to the work table and near it there’s a sort of journal where all player that do the profession are online , if they do it for free and their skill etc

It would be great to implement it. The chat trade is completly spammed and when a client seek something it hurt the eye very badly by the number of spam and get good chance of message overrided by spammers.

The journal system will allow people to still show their offer and their term without spamming in chat, and the client will have the choice if the professional is toxic or kind, anticipate cost of trading but mostly to peacefully select a trader and not have to deal with the trade chat spam.

That journal systems would be a great improvement on quality of life

Basically like Work Orders? What you’re seeing at Dofus Touch is I presume this:

And work orders in WoW like this (Note its the entire Work order guide):

That is the detail of a worker only

What in dofus touch it look like is like this :

The green arrow is the working table of the profession

The red arrow is the book for people seeking someone doing that profession

If you click on the book you have a new window like this :

You see info of the player, if he can do the craft you need etc

What i want is kinda that with more info, like a description the professional write to describe his trade
Does it take full reagent only
or a pre-price on items done

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Personally over the months I’ve got a few people that pass my info on and just send me crafting orders whilst I’m offline now, and I just log in and do them every now and then! The trade chat is disgusting though for spam, so many people blocked

I just have a chat addon to filter out specific things I’m searching for, its annoying but necessary.

I believe I stumbled across that addon too, not set the thing up correctly though! You filter it to people looking for a crafter and hide people spamming their macros, right?

I actually use it to filter on certain keywords if I’m seeking something specific, it does hide everything else when it does that though.

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