Creating a lore friendly backstory for a Vulpera warlock

So I wanted to create a Vulpera Warlock and was trying to make up a backstory which could justify my playing it. I don’t know if it’s my OCD but I need to have a lore justification of some sort for proper immersion and enjoying the game.

Now I understand that there are no warlock vulpera NPC’s in the game but…

The Vulpera have been described as a pragmatic people who do what they need to survive. They don’t seem to have particularily strong (if any) taboos in their society against things that get results.

Vulpera are also scavengers and we have seen in Kiro’s quests that they can use dark magic if need be.

So I thought I would create an Vulpera Warlock, who while scavenging, came across some warlock/fel/demonic tomes/artifacts and decided to start using it as it got him the best results. I admit that won’t get a warlock far on its own, but Vulpera start at level 10 and I assume messing around with some old tomes and trinkets could get them that far, after that, they join the horde and there are people who can train them in the way of the warlock.

Does anyone have any opinions on my justification for playing one? I would also welcome advice in creating a backstory.

P.S: I’m not looking for replies along the lines of “LOLOLOL! Vulp3ra pl4y3rZ are l4m3 furriezzz! ROFLCOPTER!!!”


That’s not OCD, that’s just respecting the lore. Your post displays a good deal of conscientious concern for adherence to the overall narrative, and that’s a good thing.

Your backstory is decent, too. Since they only recently joined the Horde, it does make sense that your character wouldn’t have been a warlock for too long of a time. In fact, I can see parallels with that and with dark magic users in other settings.

I’ll use the example of DnD, noting as a disclaimer that warlocks are very different classes in their functions in the two games. There is an interesting point on their warlocks, though, that they often walk the path of dark magic through mysterious and oddly convenient coincidences that lead them that way: leaving the library and finding a book in their bag which they don’t remember borrowing, toying with a demonic artifact and being affected by its contents, a chance meeting with a mysterious traveler who fills their head with the promise of secrets before disappearing…ways like that.

Your character could still adhere to Warcraft’s function and form of warlocks while also having a backstory like that. A scavenger like your vulpera is perfectly placed for such an encounter because he’d already be sticking his snout where it may not belong, and all he’d need is that one push to start him down that unlit road. Your justification seems just fine.


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