Creating a strong raid group for doing new raids every week

Good evening,my name is Erza,a 34years old woman,most of my time i teach people in raids ,dungeons ,instances . I would like to create a team with people who have a strong will,patience and motivation,the goal of this team will be first to help the ones who want to evolve without getting stucked by people who dont even want to do an effort inside hight difficulties raids. Second,helping people who want to discover how a raid work in normal mode then later heroic mode.
Like a lot of people im tired to getting blocked by a group who dont even listening and wipe every encounter
im Living on Burningblade whos my main server and dont want to change but we can join together with a small community group inside the game

If you want to go forward and finally reaching what you wanted so hard and have a true passion for raids so go on,sign in
English people and french ones are welcomed,i can do both languages

group link right here

thank you for reading,and see you in Azeroth raiders.

May I suggest joining a community like “No Pressure”

They have pretty much the same idea, and they already have a large community so I’d imagine you just need to create groups and have people sign up.

They get people on discord, explain tactics etc. I’ve only ever done one boss with them (not as a member but someone who hopped in to help) and they were very patient explaining things clearly and properly, it was a very good experience.

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Thank you for your answer and sorry for the delay on it,pretty busy those times.I will check an eye on it
you have my gratitude.

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