Creating character descriptions using GPT-2

As I was struggling to think up a character description for this mechagnome it seemed appropriate to get some help from a digital mind. Enter the GPT-2 model and Text Synth.

I started with the following description:

The ‘medium’ setting gave me the following description before going off on a tangent about Doctor Noordache and aliens.

The ‘large’ setting produced something a bit more interesting:

I rather liked how the neural network decided to give this character the ability to turn people into robots. Quite appropriate for a mechagnome.

If anyone else would like to create some GPT-2 character descriptions then I’m interested to see the results.

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I thought I’d paste a brief description of Coldshade into the thing, and the paragraph the site decided to write up as a continuation was a little bit confusing. For the record, I didn’t mention any Liches in my description.

“Lich King: This lich king is a powerful mage-mage who used the power of his lich minions and necromantic powers to take control of the Ascalonian nobility. He has also used his magical talents to gain control of the Silvermoon City itself. The lich king wears his crown on his head and his skin is pitch black, his hair is white, and a pair of fangs protrude from his mouth. His crown is made of black gems, but its top half resembles a crown made of chains and rings. It has five gems in its bottom half, including a small one in the middle of the top part of his head. His staff has a black gem at the top of its tip. The lich king always wears his crown around his”

And my other text, which I kept going for a little longer, was very clearly formatted like a wowpedia article for some reason.

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Expanded to become:

I appear to become some kind of cyclopean dragon ghost.

Those text conversions look quite confusing to me…

The concept of having an AI (re-) write your character’s profile is … interesting, but it seems … imperfect - in my humble opinion.

I haven’t unlocked mechagnomes yet, but if I do, I think I’ll just write the profile myself :nerd_face:

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Yes, I don’t think the robotic overlords will be replacing our creative writers any time soon.

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