Just wanted to inform
This is still a problem : https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/most-creatures-in-hallowfall-disappeared/1886104/12
While WQ “Pool Cleaner” (Quest ID 82120) for whatever reason if you sent away Alyza Bowblaze (Creature ID 215254) most npc/mobs will disappear.It only happens at hallowfall map, there is no problem with the other maps.
Solution : 1. Go back to Mereldar and find the orphanage building (near renown quartermaster) , (the script will create a link for a Map Pin when you copy it into your WoW chat.
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(“\124cffffff00\124Hworldmap:2215:4179:5578\124h[\124A:Waypoint-MapPin-ChatIcon:13:13:0:0\124a Alyza Bowblaze Map Pin]\124h\124r”);
- Walk up the stairs where you should see Alyza Bowblaze. Talk to her and use the “You can join me in the Hungering Pool again.” gossip option.
this fixes the problem.