Hi guys! I really want this axe for my fury warrior, but it never drops for me. On wowhead, this item has a 12% drop chance, but i doubt it. What’s your experience on this? Thanks for the help!
Go to Blackrock Foundry in your adventure journal (default keybind shift+j) and check the loot you can get from the Blast Furnace. If it’s still in the drop table then you can get it.
I might have the normal color from when I was farming my paladin set but as I’m reinstalling the game right now I don’t have access to it to check.
They still drop fairly often, you are just unlucky.
I just checked I do have the normal recolor (the green one) and I ran it only a few months ago.
probably just unlucky, i hate how axes sheathe on character models tho.
If you’re having trouble getting it, there’s an orange version that drops from Islands -
that you can probably pick up from the auction house for a couple hundred gold (going for 200g on my server group).
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