Crest farming on alts is boring and annoying

For PvP its the worst systhem ever, its impossible too upgrade
Bevor ,you got raiting too unlock pve item upgrade with honor

New, you need raiting too farm crest
Problem all 20 games one drop, you need a specific raiting too farm the crest you need but in PvP you cannot target farm at 1600 raiting like M+
Honor is useless

If you pkay the hole season one char soam games you are from 495 too max 500ilevel in pve and still have too much versa

Pls get rid of this garbage systhem

This is the new chore. Only now it is just needing to do that which you were already doing, just more of it.

Some people thought the upgrade system would be a bonus. No no no. It is all factored in and designed around.

It seemingly will become more annoying in TWW as completing an activity on one character reduces the reward level of that activity for other chars. And the renown levels that reward currency or gear can only be received once per account. The gear pieces can not even be bought with gold on alts.

At least as of now. It seems they want us to either focus on one character or to spend more time in dungeons and raids with our alts.

Come to think of that, a currency-centric gearing process where gear is thrown at you every step of the way but you need more and more currency to upgrade it is what we have with Remix… I believe it might be trying to ease players into a new paradigm. Slowly.

Maybe? :smiley:

Crests are the new gear.

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