Crest farming on alts is boring and annoying

It takes a lot of M+ and Raid runs to get enough crests to upgrade all your gear on alts. I don’t know what the right solution is but this is just very annoying. I don’t want free gear, and I don’t want to farm +2~8 keys while pushing +14~15 with my group.

  • Failed runs shouldn’t give you half crests, this doesn’t make a difference for mains because you’re capped at the start anyway, but is a QoL upgrade for alts
  • Either:
    • Discount crests on alts up to the ilvl of your main for that slot
    • Drop Wyrm crests if I get Aspect crests, Drake if I get Wyrm, Whelpling if I get Drake, this way I don’t have to farm lower keys just so I can get heroic gear up to a point where I can use aspect crests and not slog through content I fall asleep in
  • And please sync crests with gear, it’s really annoying when I have heroic gear I suddenly need Aspect crests to upgrade it, which are clearly for Mythic gear.

Ngl, I miss the days of valor points as currency for upgrading gear. Those were much simpler times. Current iteration of upgrading gear feels clunky. I always have a mismatch of crests, lacking flightstones on alts, suffering through pug groups in low level content for crests.

Not saying the current iteration is bad, it’s probably the best its ever been. I just think there’s a lot of room for improvement. Season 4 (with help of bullions) has been a lot more fun for me in terms of gearing up and targeting gear as well.


It’s not particularly fun on your main either…


You can downgrade the quality of crests 1:1 in Valdrakken.

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I liked the valor point system more.


Just make all these tokens account bound, and remove the damn limits.

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It both had pro’s and cons. But i’ve found the valor system with the weekly cap too limiting in comparison what we now have.

I rarely play enough to reach any cap anyways :laughing: noticed i had capped my flightstones the other day though so bought some rep tokens for them :smile: my alts are however forever stuck with low ilvl bullion items cause i dont have the crests to upgrade them and i dont really play enough to convert crests either :joy:

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Well, in comparison; it took a whole month of farming valor to be able to upgrade a dropped 2 handed weapon. It took 1000 valor points for 1 upgrade and we only received 750 per week. You needed 3 upgrades when you got the weapon from the highest M+ dungeon.

Yeah the cap was stupidly low. I just found it simpler to have one currency to work with.

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In my oppinion, the whole gear upgrade system needs to go. I miss the good old days where you killed a boss and got a item, and you are done. Remove crests and upgrade systems, bring back justice and valor, and gear vendors.


bein an alt collector yes this is very annoyin. with this and profession horrible progression DF was not so good for alts.


you can alwas downgrade you aspects.

You don’t need to farm lower content, that is precisely one of core feature of new systems: to allow people play level they are playing without any need of “farm” lower difficulties.

  1. When you capped on higher crests, you are automatically getting lower ones from the same level of content.
  2. There is exchange of higher crests to lower ones in Valdrakken on 1:1 ration.

Overlapping crests types and gear tracks is another core feature, intended to provide smooth transitions between difficulties. Without it transition to higher difficulty would feel like a jump, not slow climb. Imagine you are finished Heroic, fully upgraded all the gear to it’s maximum with Wyrm crests. Now you will need new mythic gear pieces AND Aspect crests at the same time. So your progress basically stops until you get it, and only then proceed again. In current system when you come to Mythic in Heroic gear, you will start gaining Aspect crests and you will still have a room for gear progression of your heroic gear with aspects crests while slowly obtaining myth track gear.

Correct, but alts will not reach this cap any time soon, especially further into the patch.

Which works if you’ve got nothing to spent Aspect crests on. It just makes it a slog to get my ilvl to ~525 so I don’t get 1 shot by bosses on higher keys. You basically can’t really push keys as a team until you’ve caught up, which takes way too long for alts.

It was a (small) factor in my decision to not play TWW.
10.1 burnt out my enthusiasm for the game. I spent months acquiring and upgrading gear to 463. A few weeks later 10.2 hit and they were throwing 480 and 493 gear at me if I cba to re-grind it all. I declined to do so.

I just don’t want to do all those weekly events anymore. None of them was actually fun. There were all timed so you spent ages waiting for them to start and then either clicking a pot or following a group around casting chain lightning.

Not sure it’s fairo fme to blame the upgrade system rather than the timed events but they are linked at the hip now.
Maybe TWW will be better but I have no enthusiam left to find out.

Then use Aspect crests to upgrade, it will increase your ilvl. I thought it’s obvious.

Yeah, which is still annoying. Even for a 1:1 ratio. If Aspect crests are worth more, and you put in more effort to get them, the 1:1 ration doesn’t make sense. It would be more efficient to farm lower keys (not more fun).

In the end you spend a lot of time repeating mind numbing content just so you can do the content you enjoy, hence my post.

That is why i just play fun keys instead of mind numbling and downgrade the aspects. I prefer fun playtime over mind numbling.

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I don’t really understand why there’s not a discount on crest upgrades in the same way as with flightstones. 5 crests per level on alts instead of 15 sounds pretty reasonable after I’ve just spent weeks farming up crests on my main and paying the full price in each slot.

Ironically the flighstones discount is only useful because of the arbitrary 2000 cap. If there wasn’t a cap I don’t think I’d ever run short on flighstones since it’s the crests that really take time to grind up.


This would sound really cool :slight_smile:

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