[Critical Feedback] The Crafting System is totally unfair!

The Crafting System.
The new crafting system is the worst thing you have ever implemented to the game.
It is the most unfair system, which serves only to force players to give all of their gold to the richest few players on a server.

Since you gave little to no information about the system, I like many others - totally wasted knowledge points & it is now impossible for me to max skills or make any gold from crafting, on either of my professions on my main character.

I did originally assume we would be able to max everything within a short space of time and a little bit of work. But no, and there is simply no way to put it right.

Let us reset all knowledge points!
&/or make these “Dragon Shard of Knowledge” grant 10 - 15 knowledge points each, plus increase their drop-rate by about 100x so that those who made mistakes can override them by gaining more knowledge more easily.

This is the only way you could make it right. Either scrap the whole system, including the item grades *****… or make it so that people can simply and swiftly max everything.

Really this is the worst system you have ever come up with, for any part of the game. I am sure it has driven thousands of players to just quit the game. They didn’t bother to come to make suggestions or give feedback… they just quit.


the devs said from the start that we would eventually be able to max out everything, but they never said “quick”; on the contrary, it was said that it would take us multiple months to do so, not “a few”.

I agree that there needs to be some catch up, like the idea of Dragon Shards of Knowledge giving more points while we are below a certain number of Knowledge Points in a certain profession. I’m feeling the drawback on alts that I brought into the expansion later than the others and its off-putting, to say the least.

Secondly, resetting the profession talent trees would just open the flood gates for abuses and “flavour of the month” crafting, with players feeling like they are forced to constantly reset their talents in order to keep up with market fluctuations and demands. You’re suggesting a bad game design. This issue would eventually be solved with a simple catch-up system, too.

With the above being said, asking to scrap the entire system (lol), including item quality ranks (I guess this is what you meant by “grades”) makes no sense from what you just said. Think for a minute that your post is asking either for a catch-up mechanism or the scrapping of hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of development. As if you would throw away a year’s worth of your own work just like that, when the alternative is a catch-up system. My point is that part of the post is constructive criticism, while the rest is just venting. If the start of this expansion is anything to go by, the devs are listening and tweaking stuff as per the community’s requests, but they need insightful comments, not the “either do like I ask of absolute obliteration of the system”.

TLDR; catch-up system for Knowledge Points and artisan’s rep please. ESPECIALLY since the artisan’s reputation exploits early on pretty much ruined the progression on professions and gating it now makes no sense.


They gave mosr if not all the information through ingame Artisan Consortium quests. If you choose to ignore it, thats on you.


Lets be a bit more acurate.

They gave practicaly zero information on the new system or how the various points in trees allow you to increase the chance of a higher craft.

Everytime you sit with unspent points its literly keeps reminding you and highlights it on your hud, encouraging people to spend the few points they find rather than sit on them till they know what is needed.

Some profs like alchmy you stick a insight in a upgrade slot and the bar does not move at all to improve the quality.

Consortium rep is a joke to grind when you need thousands and get like +10 to +15 rep via purchasing scrolls that last a week.

And lets not forget the exploiters that abused the system whilst it was still doable to earn tons of points and did not get it taken away, making it utterly pointless to try and compete with them.

No one wants a rank 2 or 3, everyone wants a rank 4 or 5.

And good luck getting public orders because of this.

The crafting system is a joke. Either take away the extra points from the exploiters or leave the exploit in for everyone to have a fair catch up. Not hard to comprehend, unless you were a exploiter and happy with cashing in early.


B…b…but it says on specializations what they all do. Im confused. I have all professions acroas 6 chars and had no issues with anything related to professions…

So you abused the system early and are happy, got it.

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I didn’t abuse anything. I invested time and gold into my professions. I used trick i first learned when i was around 5 years old called “reading” to determine how professions work.


What ever you need to tell yourself, clealry you must be about 10 now right, given the maturity of your response / trolling to this thread.

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How is it trolling? It literally says on every specialization and sub specialization what it does. Quests for Artisan Consortium explain quality, profession stats like inspiration, resourcsfulness, perception etc, profession equipment, knowledge. Quest in Valdrakken for crafting orders explain how they work. Thomas guy explains how to get highest quality crafts.

Recipes are even split into categories so you don’t get confused whats affected by what, like for example Infurious items being placed in Bestial category in LW and being affected by that specialization.

Only one thing was confusing early on and that was how recrafting with different quality mats affects skill and future upgrades and Blizzard posted nice blue post explaining it.

multiple months = a few months.
considering that we have always been able to max professions quickly, that is what i would expect - personally.

i like what you have to say about it, and that you have been critical about my thoughts in return.

If i worked on something for a year, and it was bad, i would hope that i would realise that and put the project into a folder marked “fail”. I do not think it took so many hours as you suggest to come up with this system, or at least not that part of it mentioned.

I am not demanding an either or as such. I am expressing an opinion. I think the system is unfair, and that it does just serve to force people to give gold to the richest few on a server, once again. (remember base legendary items SL?)

One should not need to buy enchants from another enchanter, when their main profession has been enchanting for the last 14 years. Nor should they be forced to take a different profession if they hope to make enough pocket-gold to afford to do dungeons.

The system is greatly unfair to the majority of players and characters, in favour of the few on a server with the most gold to afford the rarest patterns and production of the rare items.

Exactly this ^ and that means that the majority of crafted items are simply vendor trash.
Which then also means you have to sink so much gold into a profession to get little to nothing back from it.

And that is why i say the item grades should be scrapped, rather than the items you craft being scrapped.

What you are saying is coming across as trolling because of the way you frame your ideas. You imply that people must be stupid or something for not reading or understanding the little given info the way you did. While the limited information can actually be interpreted in different ways. Personally I found it to be unclear at first, and didn’t realise what it meant until after I had spent knowledge points to see the result. I can see how it would be very confusing for others too.

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If you made a bad choice on where to start funnelling your Knowledge points, picked the wrong tree. It can severely screw you over. Leaving you struggling to get past the 60/75 skill points needed to get the next tree open. Unless you are willing to sink a fortune in gold into making items you will end up sharding or vendoring.

The information in game, one user claims gave detailed and excellent information and just takes the basic ability of reading, to allow you to be a master of all the proffs… I clearly missed. As did several of the profession guide writers at the start…

For new players, no chance in hell will they ever catch up and generate profit. At best them might just get their professions to a level they are not just time and gold sinks before the expansion ends.

As a JC main, without the lariat recipe, I may as well not bother. Yup I can do rings at rank 5, necks at rank 5 but the 2 lariet crafters get all the orders as their names are server known. They own the JC markets. They ranked up all the elemental gem crafts weeks before anyone else, thanks to the easy and free skill ups from crafting the neck, plus the ton of gold income.

Alt is BS, 100 skill. Not seen a single public crafting order. Have to send my own plate belts to be crafted by someone who got the one drop of frostfire belt (seems like) on our server.

Alchemy toon, easy to get 100 skill with. Not seen a single crafting order…

Enchanting on main with JC, why am I having to buy r3 enchants for myself? Oh yeah, I did not exploit early and often…


It is not "limited information. There is almost all of information. Talk to Miguel Bright in Valdrakken and he has these options:

“Do you know any good books about my profession?”
His answer tells u about inscription crafted Treatises for knowledge
“Will i be able to master everything”
He says: Eventually yes. If you spend great effort honing your craft, you would be able to fully master your trade. But most crafters are satisfied with honing one or two areas of expertise.
Start by focusing on just the skills that interest you and coordinate with other crafters and gatherers to get what you need from other specializations.
“How quickly can i master everything”
They say that a profession is easy to learn but hard to master.
At first you will specialize very quickly discovering new ways to hone your craft every day.
But eventually you will have to work much harder to find something new to learn. Don’t give up because you will ultimately be able to learn all there is to know about a specialization should you choose to do so.
Yet, most crafters do not specialize so far. They pick one or two areas to hone. Just focus on aspects you trully enjoy.
“When can i specialize in profession”
Cba to type everything from here, but it basically says that what you spec in is permanent.

Next to Miguel is Thomas who explains everything about crafting and quality.

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