Cross character transmog farm

Hello I see with the War within I can now farm transmog for other classes. So I gave it a test, I got a warrior and I wanted to farm a Judgement classic set for a paladin. So I tried Molten Core and from Ragnaros I have looted Judgement Legplates. But it didn’t get added to my cosmetic collection. And I hopped to my fresh Paladin toon and in the set category there were not any Judgement items to transmog. So what is on with that? Maybe I did something wrong or what?

The only change is that you can collect appearances regardless of their armor or weapon type. All other restrictions are still in place. So you can obtain transmogs for other armor types if those items aren’t locked to any specific class or classes.

I didn’t try it with vanilla tier sets, but from BC and above the tier token is warbound wide, so you can put it into the warband bank, and the char need it can get it. You should scheck if the set item you looted can be put into the combined bank.

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